LSTC Graduate Spotlight 2024

Headshot of Kornelius Koeppel

Kornelius F. Köppel

Master of Arts in Ministry

What is your favorite memory of your time at LSTC?

Time in the old building sharing time at LRWC with international students with diverse backgrounds, and the great community in LSTC housing.

What was the most meaningful class you took?

I was lucky to start with three great female professors: Pastoral Care with Dr. Petersen, Jesus and Judaism with Dr. Lim and Public Church with Dean Thomas. I would never miss my start from science to theological studies. Most of the classes were great. Emotions, Justice and the Church with Dr. Wickware was a highlight in Ethical Studies.

How did you feel supported during your seminary journey? Were you the recipient of any major scholarships? What communities or people uplifted you during your studies?

I am grateful to receive an LSTC scholarship. I felt supported by faculty and staff. The student community was a great help. A special highlight was the LRWC led by Prof. Rob Worley. We were also blessed with Marvis Hardy and the diverse international community of at least two seminaries.

What are your post-graduation plans?

I am excited to follow my call of Word and Service. I cannot wait to be a helping hand or voice in chaplaincy, and renewal and reformation of Diaconal Ministry in the ELCA. God’s Work our Hands—I am very flexible and would ideally follow a bi-vocational call in chaplaincy and in youth and family ministry.

How did LSTC shape you as a future leader of the public church?

My experience in the church has allowed me to work and study with diverse people. To hear, pray, share stories and learn more about other cultures. Some advanced students are already ordained pastors and have families. Due to ACTS (cross registration with other Christian seminaries), we had the opportunity to share stories in classes.

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