Sam Paul Israel Bose
He/ Him/ His
Emphasis: World Christianity and Global Mission
What is your favorite memory of your time at LSTC?
My favorite memory of my time at LSTC was working with IT. Serving on the IT staff team was a privilege and honor, particularly in supporting Chapel worship services. Since I come from a non-mainline church, this opportunity has given me incredible exposure and a deeper understanding of liturgical traditions. I enjoyed working in the Chapel by setting up Audio & Video, listening, reading, and following the order of worship for work as well as for my daily spiritual growth.
What was the most meaningful class you took?
All my classes were meaningful, and all the professors at LSTC have contributed to my commitment to lifelong learning. Among all those classes, Graduate History Seminar: Historiography and Method have enabled me to critically appreciate major historiographical schools and methodologies used in studying Christian communities around the globe. Also, Church Now and Then course gave me incredible exposure and enlightened me to various church traditions, and I experienced it firsthand here in Chicago. Finally, Emotions, Justice and the Chruch has helped me to orient my
How did you feel supported during your seminary journey? Were you the recipient of any major scholarships? What communities or people uplifted you during your studies?
First and foremost, I want to thank Almighty God for his grace shown to me thus far in this journey and my beloved wife, Jeevitha, for her unfailing love and support. Next, I want to express my gratitude to my loving children Pearlin and Blessen for overcoming all the difficulties with me on this journey solely because of me. All of my Advanced Studies Program professors and friends and the LRWC community made me feel supported. Along with them, my advisor Dr. Mark Swanson, Dr. Linda Thomas, Dr. Ken Sawyer, and Dr. Robert Worley, were constantly supporting me in this seminary journey. Dr. Peter V. had previously helped me in this journey as well.
I am deeply grateful to have received Arthur A. Hayes Fellowship in Church History from McCormick Theological Seminary to pursue graduate study and from LSTC Dr. Mary W. Patrick Endowed Fellowship award, which covered fifty percent of the tuition in the first year and seventy-five percent in the subsequent year. This generosity has lightened my financial burden, allowing me to focus more on the most crucial aspect of the school, learning. My educational pursuits would not be possible without the generous support and prayers of the sponsors mentioned above.
What are your post-graduation plans?
My post-graduation plan and focus are to finish the Ph.D. program successfully.
How did LSTC shape you as a future leader of the public church?
LSTC helped me develop a desire to push myself in whatever I believe and do. It has been an excellent environment for learning and unlearning many thoughts. It has increased my knowledge and given me new angles to consider issues and time to think about what it means to be a leader.