
Three innovators in mission topic of 2021 Scherer Lecture

August 11, 2021

Three innovators in Christian mission, Lamin Sanneh, Lesslie Newbigin and Dorothy Day are the topic of the 2021 Scherer Lecture. George Hunsberger, professor emeritus of missiology at Western Theological Seminary, Holland, Mich., will deliver the public online lecture at 4 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 28. Register for the Zoom link.

Sanneh, Newbigin and Day each brought new creativity to the field of mission. Upon his return from years in India, Newbigin discovered that the West was in need of conversion and advocated for a “missionary encounter with Western culture.” Sanneh discovered in those who had been evangelized the “infinite translatability of the gospel.” Day challenged Christians with her life of hospitality among the poor and her strong belief in pacifism. All three are models of mission today.

The Scherer Lecture is sponsored by the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC), Catholic Theological Union and McCormick Theological Seminary. This annual lecture is funded through The Eleanor and Arnold Scherer Endowment Fund. 

About the speaker

Hunsberger is the founding coordinator of the Gospel and Our Culture Network in North America and has served as the secretary-treasurer and president of the American Society of Missiology. He currently serves as an associate editor of the International Bulletin of Mission Research. His publications include Bearing the Witness of the Spirit, The Story that Chooses Us, Missional Church and Treasure in Clay Jars.  He is a minister in the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.


Peter Vethanayagamony

Professor of Modern Church History


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