
Financial Aid

A course of study from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, like any professional or graduate degree, represents a significant financial investment. The Office of Financial Aid works with each applicant closely to understand their circumstances, review all related costs of attendance, and discuss available scholarships.

We are grateful and blessed by endowed scholarship funds established by alumni, friends, and congregations. These funds provide a significant source of assistance to students who are pursuing their calling.  Scholarships from home congregations or synods and other organizations can be a supplemental source of aid for many students.

We recognize and affirm our responsibility to deliver a comprehensive aid package for applicants, and ensure we are meeting the needs of our diverse student body. To that end, LSTC has recently launched three new funds:

Visionary Scholarship Fund – LSTC’s core institutional scholarship program, provide support for tuition and related academic expenses

Emerging Leaders Fund – This Fund aims to remove obstacles to full and equitable access to and participation in the seminary experience to students of color and students from historically underrepresented communities.

Global Leaders Fund – LSTC has a long history of welcoming accomplished students from across the globe; this fund aims to create an environment where students can thrive and therefore offer their ministry to a global audience as visionary leaders.

For the majority of our scholarship opportunities, no separate applications is required.  Staff from admissions and financial aid are available to answer questions and will discuss this crucial aspect of attendance during the application process. Learn more about the application steps for financial aid here.


We highly recommend that eligible students apply to the ELCA Fund for Leaders Scholarship. The core FFL program provides full tuition scholarships at an ELCA seminary for students who intend to become rostered leaders. The FFL centralizes other scholarship opportunities from synods across the denomination. Each year, the application window runs from December 1 to February 23 for admission the following fall semester.  You can find out more about the different scholarships available through the ELCA Fund for Leaders program and apply here.


Email afaassistant@lstc.edu.

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