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LSTC, McCormick Theological Seminary, Catholic Theological Union

2024 World Mission Institute

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Register to join us for the 2024 World Mission Institute “Kairos for Creation, Kairos for Mission: Hope for our Common Home”. This event will be held both in person and virtually on February 29th, 2024 at 6:00 pm CST.

Event Synopsis

Climate change presents humanity with a kairos moment, a critical moment in time when God is leading us into decisive action. Almost forty years ago, the 1985 South African Kairos Document issued a prophetic word about apartheid. More recently, Greek Orthodox Ecumenical Patirarch Archbishop Bartholomew has named the climate crisis as a kairos, a term the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and others have also now adopted. How can a biblical sense of kairos help our prophetic eco-justice mission of caring for God’s creation today?

Keynote Speaker

Headshot of Dr. Barbara Rossing

Dr. Barbara Rossing

Rev. Dr. Barbara Rossing has taught New Testament at LSTC for 30 years, where she also serves as the seminary’s Environmental Ministry coordinator. Her biblical scholarly work focuses on the apocalyptic book of Revelation. Her publications include The Rapture Exposed: The Message of Hope in the Book of Revelation as well as chapters on Revelation, climate justice, eschatology, global mission, apocalyptic ecology, and the Bible.


Headshot of Dr. Joanne (Jaruko) Doi

Dr. Joanne (Jaruko) Doi, MM

Assistant Professor of Intercultural Studies and Ministry, CTU

Headshot of Rev. Dr. Theodore Hiebert

Rev. Dr. Theodore Hiebert

The Francis A. McGaw Professor of Old Testament and Dean of the Faculty emeritus at McCormick Theological Seminary

Headshot of Dr. Marvin E. Wickware

Dr. Marvin E. Wickware, Jr.

Assistant Professor of Church and Society and Ethics at Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago

Event Details

Dinner: 6:00 p.m.
CTU, Second Floor Atrium

Program: 7p.m.
Venue: CTU, Room 210

Reception will follow.

Inquiries regarding WMI may be addressed to:

Dr. Peter Vethanayagamony, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago:
Dr. Roger Schroeder, Catholic Theological Union:
Dr. Ken Sawyer, McCormick Theological Seminary:


Date And Time

Thursday, February 29 @ 06:00 PM to
Thursday, February 29 @ 09:00 PM

Event Types


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