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Book Fair and Author Signing

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The Black Book fair and Book Signing event on Friday February 23rd from 12:00-4:00pm is co-sponsored by DA Book Joint Bookstore which will provide an array of black books for sale. Da Book Joint is an online bookstore that specializes in books by African American authors. They have a library and database of well over 10,000 books.

Logo for Da Book Joint

Book Signing Authors

In addition to Pastor Otis Moss, III, other black authors have been invited to sign their books on February 23rd, including Deborah Douglas, Author of “U.S. Civil Rights Trail: A Traveler’s Guide to the People, Places and Events That Made the Movement.” Also, LSTC MDiv candidate and former President of the African Descent Lutheran Assn Rev. Sharei Green, author of In God’s Holy Darkness will be available to sign her book. In the book, Sharie Green and co-author Beckah Selnick deconstruct anti-Blackness in Christian theology by celebrating instances in the story of God’s people when darkness, blackness, and night are beautiful, good, and holy. You don’t want to miss this exciting event. Refreshments will be served.

Headshot of author Deborah Douglas next to the cover of her book US Civil Rights Trail
Deborah Douglas, author US Civil Rights Trail

Headshot of author Rev. Dr. Otis Moss, III next to the cover of his book Dancing in the Darkness
Rev. Dr. Otis Moss, III, author Dancing in the Darkness

Headshot of author Sharei Green next to the cover of her book Gods Holy Darkness
Sharei Green, Author of Gods Holy Darkness


Date And Time

Friday, February 23 @ 12:00 PM

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