We invite you to join us this fall for a remarkable 4-part series, sponsored by LSTC Learning Communities, that explores the topic, “Faith, Work, and Economics.”
Rev. Wayne N. Miller will lead this dynamic course for 4 Sundays, beginning October 8 from 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. CST. Or you can join Wednesday’s session beginning October 11 from 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. CST.

As Bishop emeritus, Rev. Wayne N. Miller served bishop of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, from 2007-2019. His administration was marked by a deep commitment, stemming from 23 years of congregational ministry, to help the congregations and communities of the synod to embrace renewal, growth, and positive change. He has been an adjunct instructor of Christian Thought at Aurora University, a founding board member of Suicide Prevention Services of the Fox Valley, and a member and presenter for a special judicial commission on Domestic Violence in the Faith Community. From 2016-2018 he served as President of the Council of Religious Leaders of Metropolitan Chicago, where he continues to serve on the Executive Committee. In addition to leading the synod program staff, he preached and taught regularly in the synod’s congregations and shared his perspective and insight in his column for the synod supplement in Living Lutheran.
Whether bishop, pastor, follower, parishioner, or community member, join us as Rev. Miller takes us on an exploration of our relationship to our work, and guides us as we use faith, work, and economics as a lens for understanding ourselves, our world, and the secret of living life well.