Eliseo Pérez-Álvarez to present “Abya Yala in Turtle Island: Decolonizing Latinequis Semantics” Oct. 12

September 17, 2021

Eliseo Pérez-Álvarez, associate professor of Lutheran systematic theology and global Lutheranism at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC), will present the lecture, “Abya Yala in Turtle Island: Decolonizing Latinequis Semantics,” Tuesday, Oct. 12 at 7 p.m. CDT. This lecture will be in-person in the Augustana Chapel at LSTC, available via Zoom and livestreamed on YouTube. It is part of LSTC’s observance of Latinequis Heritage Month and an Alumni Week event. Register here for the Zoom link.

Abya Yala in Turtle Island: Decolonizing Latinequis Semantics will provide a critical theological, historical revisiting of the ways the USA, originally named Turtle Island, has re-baptized Abya Yalans, the people from 21 current Caribbean and Latin American countries of origin, as Latinx. A re-semanticization of this family of families is more relevant today than ever. 

About Eliseo Pérez-Álvarez

Pérez-Álvarez joined the LSTC faculty in January 2021. He holds both a master of theology (1993) and a doctor of theology (2000) from LSTC. He uses theological method and a variety of epistemologies while theologizing and re-contextualizing. His research areas include Queerness and the Bible, the eucharist and world hunger, baptism as the great socio-economic equalizer, neoliberalism and immigration, de-colonial homiletics, humor and resistance. He has taught at United Theological College of the University of the West Indies, Jamaica, Seminario Evangélico de Puerto Rico, Wartburg Theological Seminary Austin Campus, McCormick Theological Seminary, Seminario Teológico Presbiteriano de México among other seminaries. He is the author or co-editor of more than a dozen books, including Abya Yala; discursos desde la América des-norteada, El muro de tortilla; migración y mitos, We Be Jammin: Liberating Discourses from the Land of the Seven Flag, and A Vexing Gadfly: the Late Kierkegaard on Economic Matter. Read more about Pérez-Álvarez.

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