LSTC 160th Commencement May 17

May 8, 2020

On May 17 at 2:30 p.m., the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago will celebrate its 160th commencement and honor the 39 members of the Class of 2020. LSTC will release a commencement celebration video on its website and YouTube channel at the time the in-person would take place.

In her May 6 message to the graduates, Academic Dean Esther Menn wrote, “This graduation is not at all what we expected, and we will certainly miss the opportunity to process together from the Augustana Chapel to St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church and gather physically with family and friends for the commencement ceremony. Yet even in these new circumstances, we are eager to honor your accomplishments. We are therefore creating a commencement celebration video that will mark this special occasion with joy and thanksgiving.”

Following strict protocols for social distancing, leaders from the LSTC community video recorded portions of the virtual commencement program, including a message from commencement speaker, the Rev. Dr. Kathleen D. Billman. Videographer Tim Frakes will create the celebration video using those recordings and photos and video submitted by the graduates and others.

Graduates, their families and members of the wider community are invited to view the video May 17 at 2:30 p.m. on the LSTC YouTube channel, the Facebook page and as the featured video on the LSTC events page. The commencement program is available now on the LSTC website.

Soon after May 17 the graduates’ diplomas will be sent to them in a package that will contain a USB drive with the video, printed programs, their class picture and welcome gifts from the Alumni Association.

2020 graduates are invited to participate in the baccalaureate and commencement ceremonies in 2021 or another year of their choosing.


Cheryl Hoth Assistant to the Academic Dean

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