Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago offers Virtual Open House

May 8, 2020

The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC) extends the invitation to all discerning their call to ministry or contemplating next steps in their careers to join LSTC’s first ever Virtual Open House, scheduled for May 20, 2020, at 7 p.m. CST. Registration for this event is now open.

Throughout the year, those discerning their call visit the LSTC campus. Prospective students attend Seminary Sampler events , arrange for a personal tour or meets LSTC admissions staff in their space at church-related events. COVID-19 has put a stop to those in-person visits for now.

“These days of uncertainty are clearly affecting how we build relationships with one another,” says Matt James, admissions director. “However, we are excited at this opportunity to connect with those who are discerning a call to public ministry,” says James. “I hope our Virtual Open House will be one of many ways you’re able to explore LSTC as a part of your journey toward serving the church and the world in need.”

In a short video on LSTC’s YouTube channel and website, James talks about this opportunity to engage with current students, faculty and staff. Register today.  
Troy Medlin a graduating senior from Sandwich, Ill., also encourages attendance. “Community has always been such an important part of life at LSTC and even in this difficult time we have found countless ways to foster that sense of togetherness,” Medlin said. “Even virtually you will be able to sense some of what makes LSTC and this community such a unique place to discern your call.”

For those feeling apprehensive, LSTC leaders understand and recognize this time is filled with uncertainty. This understanding resulted in a mid-April vote by the faculty to offer all Fall 2020 classes both in person and remotely (as is possible). More details on this model will be announced soon.

Dive in with LSTC’s faculty, staff and current students on May 20 to learn more. Register today!


Matthew James Director of Admissions

Julie Sevig Communications Specialist

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