
Planned Giving at LSTC: Create Your Lasting Legacy

President James Nieman and an assistant look through paperwork.

Planned giving empowers you to express their deepest values and priorities in meaningful ways. With a range of options available, planned giving not only benefits you but also furthers LSTC’s mission. Your commitment with a planned gift, also gives you access to the Pillar Society, a group of donors who are making a lasting difference for future leaders in the church.


Including the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago in your will can provide significant support to the seminary and may reduce tax implications for your estate and heirs while continuing your philanthropic legacy. It’s a simple yet meaningful way to help us form visionary leaders for years to come.

Sample language for your will or trust:

[Number]%/[$Amount] shall be distributed to: the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, a nonprofit organization,

EIN 36-2246704, with an address at 

5416 S. Cornell Ave, 4th Fl, Chicago, IL 60615 

or its lawful successor, to be used as determined by the Board of Directors (or equivalent governing body).

Beneficiary Designations

Did you know you can also name LSTC as a beneficiary of your retirement account or insurance policy? Any asset not included in your will is called a non-probate assets (i.e. IRAs, 401(k)s, life insurance policies, etc.). Designating LSTC as a beneficiary is another simple way to help form visionary leaders for the Church long into the future.

For more information, or to let us know if you’ve already included LSTC in your estate plans, contact Ariana Strahl at 773.256.0703 or ariana.strahl@lstc.edu.

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