LSTC Graduate Spotlight 2023

Headshot of Benjamin Taylor

Benjamin Taylor 

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

What is your favorite memory of your time at LSTC?

I have a few favorite memories of my time at LSTC. One of my favorite memories was meeting and falling in love with my now-wife and mother of my son, Di Kang. Di is also a doctoral student at LSTC. My other favorite memory was my opportunity to learn from the late Vítor Westhelle in the years leading up to his death. I had the privilege of learning from him and working with him as a Teachers’ Assistant. I also had many late nights working at JKM Library, which were very formative for me during an important time in my life. These are memories I will take with me forever.

What was the most meaningful class you took?

The most meaningful class I took was with the Rev. Dr. Linda Thomas in the Fall of 2014. Dr. Thomas taught a class called Black and Womanist Theology, which opened my eyes to the transformative possibilities of theology.

How did you feel supported during your seminary journey?

I felt supported by professors and my peers in the Advanced Studies Program. Along with my advisor José David Rodriguez, Drs. Adam and Rossing have supported me during my time at LSTC.

What are your post-graduation plans?

Along with working full-time for the Association of Theological Library Association (ATLA), I have been and will continue to teach as an Adjunct Professor at Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa.

How did LSTC shape you as a future leader of the public church?

My time at LSTC instilled in me a passion for articulating Jesus’ message of love and liberation for all peoples. I owe this intellectual and personal formation to the students, faculty and staff at LSTC.

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