Brianna Lloyd is bringing agriculture to ministry

Brianna Lloyd, MDiv student

Brianna Lloyd is an MDiv student from Yale University who chose LSTC for her Lutheran year. Originally from Ohio, she is a graduate of Anderson [Indiana] University (BA in Bible and Religion) and the University of Minnesota (Master of Liberal Studies in Sustainable Agriculture Ethics).

With an interest in religion and science, she was drawn to LSTC’s Zygon Center and the Epic of Creation course it offers. She has recently been introduced to the legacy of theologian Joseph Sittler, and alongside past studies in Christianity, food systems, and land ethics, she decided LSTC has a lot to offer. In her first semester, she took the Revelation, Ecology and Apocalyptic Traditions course taught by Barbara Rossing.

Lloyd, whose home congregation is Pilgrim Lutheran in St. Paul, Minn., was also drawn to LSTC’s message of Public Church.She spent six years in small scale agricultural work, has a strong interest in food justice and earth care and is open to possibilities of what these two vocational tracks—agriculture and ministry—will look like together. She worked on a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) vegetable farm in Minnesota, a dairy farm alongside adults of various abilities in Wisconsin, and two alpaca farms in Indiana. While in divinity school, she also helped manage the university’s urban farm. LSTC offers possibilities for continuing to engage these public interests. 

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