LSTC’s Center of Christian-Muslim Engagement for Peace and Justice Announces Webinar: Preaching Jesus with Interfaith Sensitivity on the Final Sunday of Easter and the Feast of Pentecost (John 17 and Acts 2:1-21)

On Tuesday, May 16th, from 12:00pm-1:30pm, this hybrid event will offer practical guidance for those preaching texts that are particularly challenging when tending to relationships with our interfaith neighbors.
LSTC’s Center of Christian-Muslim Engagement for Peace and Justice presents its second hybrid panel exploring how preachers might joyfully engage in the celebratory tones of the last of the Easter Sundays and Pentecost without falling prey to anti-Semitic or anti-Muslim biases.
This event will invite respondents to consider key questions for their own ministries including: How might we proclaim the glorified Christ on the last Sunday of Easter and the story of the birth of the Christian church on the feast of Pentecost, while still, in all triumphant celebration, remain committed to an interfaith perspective in today’s world that respects and values Jewish and Muslim religious identities? Participants should expect answers and tangible suggestions for their preaching from panelists.
This panel will be hosted by experts including Dr. Laurie Brink, Professor New Testament Studies at Catholic Theological Union; Rabbi Anna Levin Rosen, Executive Director and Rabbi at Newberger Hillel Center at the University of Chicago, and Dr. Syed Atif Rizwan, Assistant Professor of Islamic and Interreligious Studies, Director of the Catholic-Muslim Studies Program, and Chair of the Department of Intercultural Studies and Ministry at CTU. It will be moderated by Rev. Jennie English Dumont, pastor at Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chicago. Together, these faith leaders will bring Christian, Jewish, and Muslim perspectives to bear on the conversation.
Those participants joining in person will gather in LSTC Room 350 at 12:00pm. A light lunch will be provided. Those joining virtually can register below: