LSTC Graduate Spotlight 2023

Headshot of Cecilia Lee Suknaic

Cecie Suknaic-Saulnier

Master of Divinity, with emphases in Feminist Theology and Biblical Studies

What is your favorite memory of your time at LSTC?

For J-term in 2022, I traveled with LSTC to Holden Village for a course taught by Dr. Ben Stewart. The group that journeyed to Holden spent two weeks learning, living, and growing in community together. It was the most enriching experience of seminary for me – and holds many of my favorite memories from my years at LSTC, including Bunco, discussions around the fire, and worshiping the hours together.

What was the most meaningful class you took?

I don’t think I can pick just one… Spiritual Formation with Dr. Craig Mueller was meaningful because I had space to try different spiritual practices and was connected with my spiritual director, who I still meet with monthly. I also had an independent study with Dr. Kimberly Wagner around Feminist Theology, which helped me grow in my understanding of it, application for feminist theology in my own life and call, and amazing discussions with a cherished mentor. 

How did you feel supported during your seminary journey?

I received a Fund for Leaders scholarship, which granted me full tuition to go to LSTC. In addition, the seminary provided me a housing stipend, along with a number of communities supporting my seminary journey financially: Triumphant Love Lutheran Church’s Endowment Fund, First Baptist Church of Austin’s Seminarian Fund, and the Munderloh Foundation. I feel blessed for the financial support, as well as the support of countless friends, mentors, family members, and members of the many Christian communities I have been a part of. My biggest supporter throughout this whole journey from its beginning is my husband, Mike, and I give thanks to God for him.

What are your post-graduation plans?

I will be staying in the Austin area for my first call and am in discernment now about what that will look like!

How did LSTC shape you as a future leader of the public church?

LSTC offered many opportunities to reflect on what it means to be a leader of the public church. I am grateful especially to have learned what this can look like through chapel worships during the week that opened up space for creative and innovative ways to gather and worship as a community, for the challenges by professors and classmates about showing up in the public sphere to advocate, and how to care for all people rather than a certain grouping of people. 

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