
LSTC Student Spotlight 2024

Headshot of Char Laywa.

Char Laywa

Master of Theology
Myitkyina, Kachin State, Myanmar

What advice would you give to first-year students?

I would like to say, “just chill out and learn freely in a new setting what you want and adjust it.” 

Hope you all have a good school year started.

What people, communities, or faculty members have been your biggest support thus far?

I want to start by giving thanks to God for giving me the strength and alive until today. People who are surrounding me: my family, my communities back home in Myanmar and here (including LSTC and friends) and all my professors from Myanmar and here at LSTC that support me in every way with words of encouragements, prayers, and support.

What are you most looking forward to during this academic year?

I am hoping to learn more about historical criticism and biblical interpretation.

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