Rev. Chrisida Nithyakalyani Anandan
Ph.D. Hebrew Bible
What is your favorite memory of your time at LSTC?
I have many favorite memories at LSTC and one of the most favorite is the time I spent at LRWC and JKM library.
What was the most meaningful class you took?
I feel blessed to have learned Pentateuch and Hebrew Pericopes with Dr. Ralph Klein and advanced Greek reading with Dr. Ed Krentz. Dr. Ray Pickett’s Romans: NT GBS class was one of the best classes I had at LSTC. Dr. Eunyung Lim’s Bible Survey was a wonderful class and I had great experience serving as TA for the class. The Travel Seminar to Holy Land was an amazing experience and learning that I would cherish for my life.
How did you feel supported during your seminary journey? Were you the recipient of any major scholarships? What communities or people uplifted you during your studies?
My seminary journey at LSTC wouldn’t have been possible without the support of LSTC community. I was a recipient of ELCA International Leaders program. The international students and families of LSTC and MTS community and the Augustana church community supported me through prayers and friendship during my seminary life. Prof. Adam, Dean Menn and all Bible division faculty and student peers have been a great support in my studies and the Bible division dissertation seminars have been a great time of sharing our papers.
What are your post-graduation plans?
I look forward to teaching or involve in whatever ministry God leads me.
How did LSTC shape you as a future leader of the public church?
The faculty, staff, and student community of LSTC has played a major role in my journey through the vibrant class discussions and conversations outside of class.