George Zachariah shares his ‘My LSTC story’

In my discernment process, I was surrounded with mentors and comrades who encouraged me to discern my vocation in my organic solidarity with the communities at the margin.
My public witness, along with the subaltern social movements and ecumenical student movements, clarified my sense of call, and led me to formal theological learning.
In the context of racism and xenophobia it is not easy for international students of color to survive and successfully complete the academic requirements of the school. The Language Resource and Writing Centre has been a sanctuary for international students and students of color where we experienced and practiced the spirituality of solidarity and accompaniment.
The multicultural ministry of the ELCA, particularly the ministry of the Purna Jiwan South Asian Congregation among the homeless, the undocumented people, and the interfaith families, inspired me to re-vision the church as Public Church.
“LSTC’s location on the South Side of Chicago is a constant reminder to be suspicious about the theological reflections, missional models, and ministerial practices that are coming from the locations of power and privilege. This prophetic suspicion is constructive as it re-forms theology and de-centers the Church.”
George (ThM 2002, PhD 2006) currently serves the United Theological College, Bangalore, India, as professor of Christian Ethics.