
LSTC Student Spotlight 2024

Headshot of Ji Bu.

Ji Bu

Master of Theology
Muse, Mungbaw Northern Shan State of Myanmar

What advice would you give to first-year students?

As a student, you should focus on your studies to be successful. Your community relationships are important because they will help you if you only ask them to.

What people, communities, or faculty members have been your biggest support thus far?

At LSTC, we have a beautiful community from many different cultures and places. The international students have been some of my biggest supporters. We can learn and support each other by sharing our stories and building community together. The international students have become my family since I am so far from home, but they make me feel warm and loved. 

My roommates and learning partner have made me feel loved by staying connected with me during my year doing OPT. Pastor Erik has also been very supportive to the Myanmar students by creating worship spaces for us to pray for our families and communities during the war crisis. Gatherings and spaces like this have relieved some of our anxieties and gave us peace during this time. I cannot name all the faculty mentors I have had during my time at LSTC, but they have all been wonderful supporters of mine both in and out of the classroom. I know they are all very concerned about our communities back home and keep them in their prayers.

What are you most looking forward to during this academic year?

I am excited to continue my studies at LSTC. I hope to continue my studies to achieve my PhD. After completing my program, I would like to go back to my people in Myanmar and share my knowledge with them.

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