Kalpana Christian Sharma, aka KC
What is your favorite memory of your time at LSTC?
Being able to learn online, balancing work and studies, and through the ACTS system, being able to take classes with other schools
What was the most meaningful class you took?
- Greek 1 taught by Dr. Chrisida Anadan. It was the best class and she is a great teacher.
- Dr. Eunyung Lim’s classes, Bible Survey and JwJ. Her teaching style is the best.
- The Future of Creation class—The concept and the materials are good.
- SF301 – I felt at home in Dr. Craig Mueller’s class by his friendliness and calm attitude.
- RHTH 1 and 2— the materials are informative and necessary to learn.
How did you feel supported during your seminary journey?
Scott Chalmers was the first person who made me feel I belonged there and helped me not get overwhelmed. He guided me in choosing subjects for the first term, which was super helpful. Rev. Johncy Joseph, as a TA, is amazing, prompt, helpful, and proficient at his work. He has a heart for students and for God’s work. Chris Huang and Abbie Brown made it easier for me to get information on particular classes and when many classes were canceled Abbie Brown helped to do the ones I could. Both are good at their job as registrar.
Were you the recipient of any major scholarships?
The dean’s scholarship that I appreciated much!
What communities or people uplifted you during your studies?
Scott Chalmers, Dr. Eunyung Lim, Dr. Craig Mueller, Marvis Hardy, Rob Worley, and Rev. Johncy Joseph. Shemiah Curry and Kylee Besttenlehner are kind classmates.
What are your post-graduation plans?
I wish to write for women’s equality in faith communities, society, and the world at large. Much work is still needed. Continue being a bridge person thru whom individuals and groups can connect with a loving God.
How did LSTC shape you as a future leader of the public church?
Oh, the training was necessary. The classes, information, and studies have helped me grow in my personal journey, respect others’ beliefs, and articulate what I believe in and am deconstructing.