LSTC Alum Pastor Jen Nagel Elected Bishop

The Rev. Jen Nagel of Minneapolis speaks from auditorium seating

LSTC is pleased to announce that on May 4, 2024 The Rev. Jen Nagel of Minneapolis, Minnesota, was selected to serve a six-year term as bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s Minneapolis Area Synod. The selection occurred during the synod assembly from May 2-4 at Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Ramsey, Minnesota.

Nagel, an LSTC alum, has been leading the University Lutheran Church of Hope in Minneapolis since 2015 and previously pastored Salem English Lutheran Church in the same city from 2003 to 2015. She also worked as a teaching staff coordinator at Holden Village in Chelan, Washington, in 2011.

Nagel earned a certificate of studies from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago in 1999; and a Master of Divinity from the University of Chicago Divinity School in 1998. 

She was formally installed on September 21 at Central Lutheran Church in Minneapolis.

The Rev. Ann M. Svennungsen is embarking on a new chapter in retirement after serving as bishop since 2012. Her last day was July 31, 2024.

For more details on the Minneapolis Area Synod, visit

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