On November 14th, LSTC is pleased to announce our online Fall Seminary Sampler, a virtual event during which prospective students will be invited to engage in our community including the following:
- A fun icebreaker activity
- Admissions and financial aid process overview
- Words from LSTC community pastor, Erik Christensen
- Engage with students, notable alums, and LSTC faculty and staff
- Information regarding candidacy from the desk of Director of MDiv and MA Programs, Lecturer, and Coordinator for Candidacy, Brooke Petersen
- An overview of LSTC Centers and Initiatives featuring Dr. Linda Thomas
- And an introduction to student organizations, resources, and area amenities
For those prospective students who have started the admissions process and provided all required materials, there will also be an opportunity to get updates from the Admissions team.
This event is the first step! Please join us at 10:00am CST on November 14th, and plan to engage until approximately 11:30am CST.
Zoom link: Nov 14, 2023 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada):
Meeting ID: 845 8820 5042
Passcode: 255450
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Meeting ID: 845 8820 5042
Passcode: 255450
Find your local number: https://lstc-edu.zoom.us/u/kbTck9BHoV
We hope to see you there!