LSTC Summer Reading List

The summer reading season is upon us.
With long, sunny summer days ahead and plenty of time on the beach—the front lawn, or park bench, the usual conundrum springs up: What to read?
In an effort to help you either compile or whittle down your summer reading list, we’re sharing books written by members of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago’s campus community.If you’ve written a book and your name doesn’t appear on this list, please send us an email at
Books Written by LSTC Community Members
September 2018-February 2024
President James Nieman: Knowing the Context: Frames, Tools, and Signs for Preaching (2008), co-editor of Church, Identity, and Change: Theology and Denominational Structures in Unsettled Times (2005), co-author of Preaching to Every Pew: Cross-Cultural Strategies (2001)
Paul O. Bischoff (ThM, 2002; PhD, 2005), The Human Church Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock Publishers, May 29, 2018
Stephen Kimondo (ThM, 2006; PhD, 2011), The Gospel of Mark and the Roman-Jewish War of 66 – 70 CE Oregon: Wipf and Stock Publishers, July 19, 2018
Iskander Bcheiry (PhD, 2019; Auxiliary Faculty), An Early Christian Reaction to Islam Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press 2019
Carmelo Santos (PhD, 2004), Did God Create The Universe?: A Bilingual Devotional For Kids Who Like To Ask Big Questions Independently published (December 16, 2019)
Margie A. Olson (MDiv, 1995), “God Moments Guide My Journey” Self-published, 2018:
Andrew Guffey (Auxiliary Faculty), The Book of Revelation and the Visual Culture of Asia Minor: A Concurrence of Images (Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic) September 15, 2019
Jonathan M Wilson (PhD, 2015), God on Three Sides: German Pietists at War in Eighteenth Century America Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers 2019
Richard Frontjes (PhD, 2014), Between worlds: Sor Juana on culture, gender, and the desire for knowledge Toronto: Political Animal Press, 2018
Eric J. Kyle (LSTC Faculty, 2019 – 2021), Educating in the Spirit : evidence-based and theological foundations for high impact educational systems (Eugene, Oregon : Wipf & Stock), 2019
Baiju Markose (PhD, 2019 ) The Cross and the Peacock: Poems (Seattle, Washington: KDP Publishing) January, 2021
Vinod Wesley (PhD student), “Church and Climate Justice. This is jointly published by Council for World Mission (CWM) and ISPCK (Indian society for promoting Christian Knowledge) Fall, 2020
Antje Jackelén (Distinguished Affiliate Faculty), The English translation of “Gud är större” published as “God is greater: Theology for the World“ (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press) January, 2020
Phil Hefner (Emeritus Faculty), A Matter of Waiting: Poems of My Days Searcy, Arkansas: Resource publications June 12, 2020)
Peter Vethanayagamony, Tamil Diaspora: Intersectionality of Migration, Religion and Culture.
Danielle (Elle) Dowd (MDiv, 2020) Baptized in Tear Gas: From White Moderate to Abolitionist (Minneapolis, Minnesota: Broadleaf Books) August 10, 2021
Eunyung Lim (LSTC Faculty, 2018 – 2022) Entering God’s Kingdom (Not) Like a Little Child: Images of the Child in Matthew, 1 Corinthians, and Thomas. BZNW 243. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2021.
Tom Gaulke (Auxiliary Faculty), An Unpromising Hope: Finding Hope outside of Promise for an Agnostic Church and for Those of Us who Find it Hard to Believe (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock Publishers) September, 2021
Jeffrey Myers (PhD, 2018), The Nonviolent Apocalypse: Revelation’s Nonviolent Resistance Against Rome (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield) November, 2021
Chingboi Guite Phaipi (PhD, 2018), The Bible and Patriarchy in Traditional Tribal Society: Rereading the Bible’s Creation Stories (London, England: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc) February, 2023
Bishop Craig A. Satterlee (Distinguished Affiliate/Adjunct/Auxiliary Faculty), My Burden is Light: Making Room for Jesus in Preaching (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press) January 2023
Sharei Green (MDiv Student) and Beckah Selnick, God’s Holy Darkness (Minneapolis, Minnesota: Beaming Books) July 12, 2022
Curtis Johnson (PhD, 2019), Induction and Example: A Rhetorical Exegesis in the letter of Galatians. (Eugene, Oregon:“Pickwick” an imprint of Wipf and Stock) August 2022
Brooke Petersen, Religious Trauma: Queer Stories in Estrangement and Return (Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania: Lexington Books) August 31, 2022—queer-stories-in-estrangement-and-return/9781793641144
Stephen J. Davis and Mark N. Swanson, Catalogue of Coptic and Arabic Manuscripts in Dar al-Suryan, Volume 3: Arabic Theology and Volume 4: Arabic Ascetic Discourses, CSCO subs. 143, 145 (Leuven: Peeters, 2022)
Philip Hefner (emeritus Faculty), Human Becoming in an Age of Science, Technology, and Faith (Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania: Fortress Press/Lexington Books) August 23, 2022
Klaus-Peter Adam, Hate and Enmity in Biblical Law (England: Bloomsbury Collections) May 30, 2022
Ulston Smith (DMin, 2013), Power, Church, and Identity: Life After The Colonial Church (Independently published) September 20, 2022 Power, Church, and Identity: Life After The Colonial Church – Kindle edition by Smith, Ulston . Arts & Photography Kindle eBooks @
Jose David Rodriguez (emeritus Faculty), Caribbean Lutherans: The History of the Church in Puerto Rico – February 27, 2024, published by Fortress Press.