On The Way

LSTC’s New Strategic Plan for 2024-2029
Reflecting on all that LSTC has come through in recent years—navigating the COVID-19 pandemic, selling our former main facility, and relocating to our new home—I’m reminded of the story in Luke 24:13-35. In this passage, two disciples, their hopes dashed, walk the road to Emmaus, recounting the events of Jesus’ crucifixion. In their sorrow, they say, “but we had hoped” that Jesus was the one to redeem Israel. Those words, “but we had hoped,” echo the feelings of so many today, both within and beyond the church. We had hoped our churches would thrive, that our institutions would remain vital, and that the way we’ve always done things would continue to serve us well.
The Emmaus story begins with grief but doesn’t end in despair. Even though the disciples don’t recognize him at first, the risen Jesus meets them on the way, walking with them in their grief and confusion. It’s only later, as they break bread together, that their eyes are opened, and they recognize Jesus in their midst. This moment of revelation reminds us that even in uncertain and challenging times, God is with us, often revealing new possibilities and offering new life in ways we hadn’t imagined.
LSTC’s new strategic plan has a working title – “On the way” (Luke 24:32) – that draws inspiration from this powerful story. As we embark on the next five years of our journey, we trust that God is guiding us through a time of transformation and renewal. While much is changing in how we educate church leaders, our mission remains clear: to form visionary leaders who bear witness to the good news of Jesus Christ.
To meet the needs of a rapidly evolving church and society, LSTC has identified four key initiatives that will shape our efforts during the next five years:
1. Asynchronous Education
As the church’s needs change, so must the ways we provide theological education. A new approach, dubbed “Project Starling,” will allow us to offer robust online learning opportunities, particularly for those who cannot participate in traditional degree programs. By developing on-demand courses and certificate programs available 24/7, we will reduce program location, expense, and duration barriers. This initiative is central to our commitment to reaching a broader and more diverse range of students.
2. Philanthropic Campaign
Financial sustainability is essential to our mission. This initiative will focus on expanding LSTC’s donor support and funding partnerships. Strengthening these financial foundations will ensure that LSTC has the resources needed to continue offering innovative programs and maintain its leadership in theological education.
3. Staffing Strategy
Our faculty and staff are at the heart of LSTC’s work. This initiative will invest in our people, providing ongoing training, mentoring, and professional development while strategically aligning staffing resources with our new initiatives. By focusing on developing the capacity of our staff to live out their work more fully, we can reduce costs while maximizing the strengths of our existing team.
4. Policy Review
We must ensure that internal policies reflect our values of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice. In the past, though, we have been unduly relational and so have placed these commitments at risk. This initiative reviews and standardizes policies to create a more consistent and equitable experience for all members of the LSTC community. This is a strategic change toward living into new forms of institutional thriving.
These four initiatives are our response to a changing world. Like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, we may not always know what lies ahead, but we move forward in faith, trusting that God will continue to guide us – “On the way.”