Sarah Stegemoeller shares her ‘My LSTC story’

“Remember, Jesus loves you.” These words, accompanied by a dollar bill, were inscribed on every birthday card Grandma Mueller ever sent me. The flowery cards never much impressed me as a child—I was far too preoccupied thinking about the money. Though my parents made me save a dime of it, and put another dime in the Sunday school offering, Grandma’s dollar still seemed like a fortune.
I didn’t appreciate then, but have long since come to recognize that Grandma’s real gift to me wasn’t the dollar, but instead her blessing: “Remember Jesus loves you.” Like many
Christian parents, my husband and I have been challenged to successfully bequeath that blessing to our own children—and now to our baby grandson Harris.
I’m not sure what the church of Harris’ future will look like, but I have to think that what he will be drawn to will be less institutional, more accepting, vital and active in every part of daily life, and more focused on community and social justice. We are counting on LSTC to continue to train leaders for that future.
Sarah served as LSTC’s executive vice president from 1994-98, and was on the board of directors nine years (three as chair). Currently, she and her husband Mark chair LSTC’s comprehensive campaign. Since Sarah first shared her LSTC story, Harris has become big brother to baby sister Maeve!