Peter Vethanayagamony: Exploring Church History

Peter Vethanayagamony: Exploring Church History Among the many exciting courses being developed is “Church’s Witness: A Survey of Church History,” led by Professor Peter Vethanayagamony. In this Q&A, Professor Vethanayagamony shares insights into his course, its scope, and its potential impact on both lay leaders and the wider community. Known for his passion for church […]

Marvin Wickware: Equipping Leaders for Public Church

Marvin Wickware: Equipping Leaders for Public Church Dr. Marvin Wickware, Associate Professor of Church and Society and Ethics at LSTC, is creating an exciting learning resource for Project Starling, LSTC’s new online theological education platform. His resource builds on the core principles of the public church curriculum, which emphasizes the integration of church and society, […]

LSTC Achieves Successful Reaffirmation of ATS and HLC Accreditation

LSTC Achieves Successful Reaffirmation of ATS and HLC Accreditation The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC) is proud to announce the successful reaffirmation of its accreditation by both the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) and the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). These achievements underscore LSTC’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards of theological education and […]

Apply Now for 2025-2026 ELCA Fund for Leaders Scholarships!

Apply Now for 2025-2026 ELCA Fund for Leaders Scholarships! The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Fund for Leaders is now accepting scholarship applications for the 2025–2026 academic year. While several scholarship opportunities are now open, the FFL Direct Full-Tuition Scholarship is a unique opportunity for future church leaders to receive a full-tuition scholarship to […]

LSTC Awarded $25,000 ATS Grant to Advance Online Pedagogy and Faculty Training

LSTC Awarded $25,000 ATS Grant to Advance Online Pedagogy and Faculty Training The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago is pleased to announce it has been awarded a $25,000 Moving Forward in Mission grant from the Association of Theological Schools. The grant will fund a new initiative to equip LSTC faculty and advanced doctoral students […]

LSTC Faculty Collaborates with Noodle to Develop New Learning Resources

LSTC Faculty Collaborates with Noodle to Develop New Learning Resources On August 28, the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC) convened a pivotal faculty-focused session with Noodle, an educational services company, to advance Project Starling’s mission of expanding high-quality theological education. The session was designed to lay the groundwork for the creation of innovative […]

Project Starling Update: First Discovery Meeting with Noodle

Project Starling Update: First Discovery Meeting with Noodle In an exciting first step towards the development of innovative learning resources for Project Starling, LSTC recently held its initial discovery meeting with Noodle, the instructional design company hired to assist our faculty in crafting top-tier theological educational modules that align with our commitment to broadening global […]

LSTC Achieves Successful Reaffirmation of ATS and HLC Accreditation

LSTC Achieves Successful Reaffirmation of ATS and HLC Accreditation The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC) is proud to announce the successful reaffirmation of its accreditation by both the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) and the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). These achievements underscore LSTC’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards of theological education and […]

LSTC’s Project Starling: Embracing Asynchronous Learning for a Global Audience

LSTC’s Project Starling: Embracing Asynchronous Learning for a Global Audience In November, the staff and faculty of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC) proposed an innovative approach to the Board of Directors: a strategic plan to extend the seminary’s educational reach through asynchronous learning. This initiative, known as Project Starling, aims to address […]

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