Mark Swanson finds joy in encounter

Mark Swanson finds joy in encounter On Mark Swanson’s office door is a quotation from Rowan Williams, the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury, which says, “The call of God is very strange.” Swanson would agree: strange and joyful. “For the first two years that I was reading theology, I didn’t know what it was for,” recalls Swanson, […]

Sara Trumm on the future of CCME

Sara Trumm on the future of CCME For Sara Trumm, providing spaces for intercultural engagement and understanding have long been a part of her life’s work. Trumm, director of A Center of Christian-Muslim Engagement of Peace and Justice (CCME), recalls her time studying in Nicaragua as an undergraduate, her graduate-level work at the United Theological […]

A bold missionary vision

A bold missionary vision Back in the 1980s, LSTC became one of two Lutheran institutions that incorporated Islamic studies into the very heart of their curriculum. Led by visionaries such as Harold S. Vogelaar and Roland Miller, these seminaries took the lead in facilitating productive and empathic dialogue with people of the Islamic faith.  The […]

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