Dr. Rafael Malpica Padilla’s Journey in Leadership and Latin Ministry Dr. Rafael Malpica Padilla joined LSTC last fall as the newly appointed DAMM Chair in Leadership and Director of the Latine Ministry and Theology Program. This post follows a brief retirement from the ELCA, where he previously served as the Executive Director of Service and […]
Shaping Faith and Future Dr. Karri Alldredge is opening new doors for textual exploration at LSTC Dr. Karri Alldredge has always had a passion for the New Testament. Growing up in a Lutheran community, her faith has long been deeply rooted in the teachings of the Bible. But it was her journey through life, shaped […]
Linda Thomas: called to LSTC for such a time as this “Theological intersectionality is my ground of being,” says Linda E. Thomas, professor of Theology and Anthropology. Drawing from multiple fields of expertise, Thomas uses insights from research and experience in fields of anthropology, history and theology in her work and scholarship. “My goal is […]
Candace Kohli brings her Luther passion to LSTC Perhaps it’s fitting that in seminary Candace Kohli was so obsessed with Martin Luther that in the middle of the night she’d wake up thinking about Luther and his ideas. “I would lay in bed racking my brain trying to figure out how Luther was saying the […]
Marvin Wickware: moving beyond reconciliation “I don’t use the term ‘racial reconciliation’ much anymore,” said Marvin Wickware, assistant professor of church and society and ethics, “because it’s lifted up as an alternative to anti-racism these days.” And for Wickware, working towards an antiracist church and society is the crucial opportunity in this moment in history: […]
Klaus-Peter Adam finds new solutions in Old Testament Klaus-Peter Adam, professor of Old Testament, understands well that being ensconced by the Great Lakes, Chicagoans have a privileged perspective when it comes to water and natural resources. For most of the world, the reality is as it was in the Old Testament, where, as Adam says, […]
Mark Swanson finds joy in encounter On Mark Swanson’s office door is a quotation from Rowan Williams, the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury, which says, “The call of God is very strange.” Swanson would agree: strange and joyful. “For the first two years that I was reading theology, I didn’t know what it was for,” recalls Swanson, […]
Peter Vethanayagamony’s guiding principles in practice “I’m so grateful for Christian missions and missionaries,” said Peter Vethanayagamony (2000, ThM; 2006, PhD), professor of Modern Church History. Vethanayagamony’s positive life-altering experience with services (i.e. education, health, discipleship) of Christian missionaries in India during his formative years stands in direct contrast to what he calls the American […]
Brooke Petersen on finding meaning in bivocational practice For Brooke Petersen (2006, MDiv), coming back to teach and serve as the director of the MDiv and MA programs and coordinator of candidacy at LSTC has been a full-circle experience. “There have long been questions deep in my heart that were made even more real in […]
Candace Kohli on Luther, empathy & critical context Candace Kohli, assistant professor of Lutheran Systematic Theology and Global Lutheranism, can clearly pinpoint what made Luther stand out amongst other theologians during her time in seminary: “There was something about the way he described things, the interventions he was making, and the boldness with which he […]