LSTC 2024-2025 Fund for Leaders Scholarship Applications Now Open!

LSTC 2024-2025 Fund for Leaders Scholarship Applications Now Open! The 2023-2024 ELCA Fund for Leaders Scholarship is now open! If you’ve been discerning your call to ministry and would like to apply to LSTC but still have concerns about the financial realities of attending seminary, the Fund for Leaders could be for you.  From Dec. […]

The Power of Support

The Power of Support ELCA scholarships fuel success of LSTC Fund for Leaders recipients Financial support plays a crucial role in prospective students’ ability to follow through on their call and pursue a career in ministry and service. This is especially true for the inspiring scholars who are embarking on the first year of their […]

Worldwide experience, personal connections lead Megan Mong to LSTC

Worldwide experience, personal connections lead Megan Mong to LSTC Megan Mong’s call to ministry came in high school, increased through college, and peaked after her return from Jerusalem and the West Bank. Mong, a first-year MDiv student, said she first felt stirred to ministry during high school in Salina, Kan., when she attended a Youth […]

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