A Lifelong Commitment to Learning: The Rev. Michel Clark MDiv ’77 on Leadership, Mentorship, and the Global Impact of LSTC For the Rev. Michel Clark, Assistant to the Bishop for the West and Southwest Conferences, theological education has been a lifelong pursuit. Reflecting on his time at LSTC, Clark credits the seminary with instilling in […]
On The Way LSTC’s New Strategic Plan for 2024-2029 Reflecting on all that LSTC has come through in recent years—navigating the COVID-19 pandemic, selling our former main facility, and relocating to our new home—I’m reminded of the story in Luke 24:13-35. In this passage, two disciples, their hopes dashed, walk the road to Emmaus, recounting […]
Leading LSTC Through a Time of Tremendous Change In an era of dramatic changes in higher theological education, James Nieman has proven to be a steadfast leader Since his call to the presidency at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago in 2012, Nieman has guided the seminary through financial strain, evolving church dynamics, and […]
Dr. Linda Thomas: Pioneering Transformative Leadership in Theological Education Dr. Linda Thomas stands as a luminary figure in the ever-evolving landscape of theological education. Her transformative leadership at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC) continues to reshape the narrative through diversity, equity, justice, inclusion and intersectionality. Dr. Thomas has recently been appointed Interim […]
Empowering Faith through Financial Leadership: Linda O. Norman and the Mission Investment Fund When Linda O. Norman MDiv ’06 recalls the making the decision to attend LSTC shortly after earning an accounting degree as an undergraduate, she remembers, first and foremost, how unsure she felt about her choice. “I struggled a lot because I didn’t […]