Five distinguished alumni honored at Homecoming 2021

Five distinguished alumni honored at Homecoming 2021 For the second year in a row, LSTC presented distinguished alumni awards in a ceremony held online. The five recipients— with varied years and experiences of service—expressed deep gratitude to the school, their families and all those who have cheered them on. Hosted by alumni board members Michael […]

Kilian Schrenk: A voyage to study, learn and experience American Lutheranism

Kilian Schrenk: A voyage to study, learn and experience American Lutheranism Kilian Schrenk, 23, came from Wurttemberg, Germany to Chicago for a semester as an exchange student at LSTC to learn and experience Lutheran theology in contexts.   Schrenk first had dreams of becoming a medical doctor, but he was also influenced by his family’s Christian faith. Schrenk was baptized and confirmed in the Südgemeinde in his hometown of Heilbronn.  […]

Commencement 2020: A year of asking, and now facing, ‘What’s next?’

Commencement 2020: A year of asking, and now facing, ‘What’s next?’ In campus apartments and in homes well beyond Chicago, LSTC 2021 graduates gathered around screens to “officially” graduate on Sunday, May 16, as they watched the seminary’s 161st commencement video released on YouTube and Facebook. This was the second year the global pandemic prevented […]

Holy chaos: An exploration of the new first call process

Holy chaos: An exploration of the new first call process For the first time in years, the “first call” process in the ELCA has changed. Thanks in part to changes within the church caused by the pandemic. communication about the new system has emerged in video format, not just saving trees (paper), but offering user-friendly […]

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