Doctoral candidate Denise Rector awarded DSIR Fellowship

Doctoral candidate Denise Rector awarded DSIR Fellowship LSTC doctoral candidate Denise Rector loves teaching and believes her new fellowship as the Doctoral Scholar in Residence (DSIR) at Trinity Lutheran Seminary at Capital University in Columbus, Ohio, is a perfect fit. Rector (2021, ThM) said the opportunity is a gift to her teaching and to her […]

Mark Swanson finds joy in encounter

Mark Swanson finds joy in encounter On Mark Swanson’s office door is a quotation from Rowan Williams, the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury, which says, “The call of God is very strange.” Swanson would agree: strange and joyful. “For the first two years that I was reading theology, I didn’t know what it was for,” recalls Swanson, […]

Madagascar pastor returns home as a systematic theologian

Madagascar pastor returns home as a systematic theologian When the Malagasy Lutheran Church identified Hery Andrianotahina Naivoson as a trailblazer, he accepted the call to further his education in the United States, particularly LSTC. Naivoson is a pastor in Madagascar, a big island in the Indian Ocean separated from Africa by the Mozambique Channel, nearly […]

Meet Martha Ernest Ambarang’u

Meet Martha Ernest Ambarang’u Martha Ernest Ambarang’u, who is ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, is a new ThM/PhD student at LSTC—biblical studies, New Testament. Before coming to LSTC she was a pastor of Hosiana Parish Buswelu in Mwanza, Tanzania. “I miss them, they are like family to me,” she said. She learned […]

PhD graduate learned the language and earned her degree(s): ‘God prepared the way’

PhD graduate learned the language and earned her degree(s): ‘God prepared the way’ Montira “Niko” Junnawatt will graduate with her PhD in May, but she’s already in Thailand as a faculty member at the Bangkok Institute of Theology. Bangkok is back where she was born and raised, in a bicultural and bi-religious family—her mother is […]

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