All Sponsorship levels at and above $1,000 include entry to the Seminex Conference, Seminex 50 Year Grad and Homecoming and Banquet Celebration, and Hymn Fest celebration and dinner.
Event Sponsor – $50,000
- Principal recognition as Presenting Sponsor on all event materials
- Recognition on digital displays at LSTC
- Recognition in the Epistle
- 4 event full registrations plus dinners
- Opportunity for seating with panel participants during the 50 Year Grad and Homecoming and Banquet Celebration.
- Reserved Seating at the event
Hymn Fest Sponsor – $25,000
- Recognition as a Hymn Fest Sponsor in all print materials, including the Hymn Fest program, as well as recognition in the event remarks
- Recognition on digital displays at LSTC
- Recognition in the Epistle
- 2 event full registrations plus dinners
- Opportunity to sit with musical worship team during the Hymn Fest Celebration dinner.
- Reserved Seating at Hymn Fest
Banquet Sponsor – $10,000
- Sponsor recognition on Banquet dinner program and menu cards, as well as recognition in the event remarks
- Recognition on digital displays at LSTC
- Recognition in the Epistle
- 2 event full registrations plus dinners
- Reserved Seating at Banquet
Alumni Awards Sponsor – $5,000
- Print recognition in the Alumni Awards program, as well as recognition in the event remarks
- Recognition on digital displays at LSTC
- Recognition in the Epistle
- 1 event full registrations plus dinners
- Reserved Seating at Banquet
Partner – $1,000
- Print recognition in the conference program
- Recognition on digital displays at LSTC
- Recognition in the Epistle
Student Sponsor – $500
- Print recognition in the conference program
- Recognition on digital displays at LSTC
- Recognition in the Epistle