Chicago Interfaith Trolley Tour
Join A Center for Christian-Muslim Engagement for Peace and Justice, The Hassan Institute for Interfaith Encounter at American Islamic College, and The Interreligious Institute at Chicago Theological Seminary for our 4th Chicago Interfaith Trolley Tour. This tour will take place on Sunday, April 6 at 1 p.m. We will explore four sacred spaces in the northside neighborhoods of Chicago. The day will end with a reception, “Faith, Flavor, and Friendship” at 4 – 5 p.m. at American Islamic College. This experiential learning opportunity presents the chance to learn about faith in practice, prayer and communal religious space, and some history of the neighborhood and its religious communities. You will get to meet people from other faith traditions and cultures and make connections with religious leaders. You will also learn about the various interfaith initiatives that these religious institutions host. This is a great way to learn more about your city and celebrate its vibrant diversity.
Please register now as there are limited seats available. Tickets are $15 for ages 15 and up.
For questions related to this event, please contact Sara Trumm (strumm@lstc.edu)