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Albert “Pete” Pero Jr. and Cheryl Stewart Pero Center for Intersectionality Studies

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration 2024

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“The Struggle Continues…Voting Is Our Right!”

Despite the successes of the civil rights movement, our American democracy is still under attack as powerful ‘Trumpian’ forces attempt to create barriers to the ballot box. For people of color, the struggle for freedom continues as we must be forever mindful of the battles fought and won in our past, the battles that continue to be fought, and the challenges African Americans, Native Americans, and Hispanics confront daily to participate in a democracy they built on the backs of their labor.

As LSTC prepares leaders for “such a time as this,” we must recognize that it is incumbent upon each generation to empower the next generation. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability but comes through continuous struggle.” Dr. Linda Thomas, Director of the Pero Center, adds, King’s message is clear: voting is a powerful tool for change, and it is up to all of us to use it to create a more just and equitable society.

Within this background, the Pero Center for Intersectionality Studies proudly presents our annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration 2024. The theme for this year is “The Struggle Continues…Voting is our Right!”

A flyer for LSTC's 2024 MLK event reading: 12:00 MLK Worship & Praise with Preacher Rev. Dr. JoAnne Marie Terrell, 1:15 Reception, 1:45 Film "Otis's Dream", 2:00 Panel Discussion



Worship and Praise Service with Rev. Dr.  JoAnne Terrell, Preaching




Film: Otis’s Dream, By Otis Moss, III


Panel Discussion Panelists with:

Honorable Sixth Ward Alderman Pastor William Hall
Dr. Christope Ringer
Rev. Dr. JoAnne Terrell
Dr. Linda E.Thomas, Moderator


Date And Time

Monday, January 15

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