Spring 2023 Learning Communities Brings Martin Luther to the Forefront

Headshot of Candace Kohli

This spring, LSTC is proud to announce that Professor of systematic theology and esteemed Luther Scholar Candace Kohli will be offering an extraordinary, free, 4-part series, sponsored by LSTC’s Learning Communities, which will be open to the public and hosted live in person on Sundays and via Zoom the following Wednesday. This series explores the topic: Why We Should Care about Luther: Martin Luther on the Holy Spirit and Christian Life.

This topic hits close to home for Kohli, who has dedicated much of her academic inquiry to investigating tough questions about Luther, the impact of his ideas on historical communities and people on the margins of society, and finding ways that we can call to life the ingenuity of Luther’s most expansive ideas while honoring people of all faiths and places.

LSTC’s Learning Communities were developed to enhance lay theological education, enrich parish learning programs, and build a stronger relationship between the seminary and its constituent congregations. Together, participants investigate new ideas and come together in faith. As Kohli said in a recent interview for Epistle magazine, “[Luther’s] ideas are totally revolutionary and literally changed the world. I don’t know of another figure with that level of impact. The brilliance of some of his ideas like freedom also have this dangerous edge to them…But [this] complexity makes him interesting—how do you extract and leverage the brilliance while safeguarding against the potential harm?”

This is just one question that Kohli hopes participants, whether pastor, follower, or parishioner, will engage with during this Spring’s sessions. Starting on February 26th (live from 6:00pm-7:30pm)/March 1 (facilitated from 7:00pm-8:30pm), Kohli will ask us to consider:

  • What was Luther doing?
  • What was Luther’s reform all about?
  • How does it translate into our modern society?

Following weeks will encourage Learning Communities members to investigate Luther’s impact on prayer and spiritual practices, how Luther encouraged his followers to fan their “spiritual” flames and ask how we can be aware of the Spirit in our everyday lives.

Together, participants will learn how their ideas, like Luther’s, have the capacity to literally change the world.

Spring 2023 Learning Communities topics are as follows:

Week 1 (2/26; 3/1): A Trinitarian Pneumatology: The Spirit as divine agent of the law and gift of the gospel

Week 2 (3/5; 3/8): Did you say “sanctification”? The Spirit as Christ’s healing medicine for the soul

Week 3 (3/12; 3/15): Fanning Spiritual Flames: The role of prayer in the Spirit-soul relation

Week 4 (3/19; 3/22): Christians Do Good Works! The role of the Spirit in supporting the Christian life

You can find more information on this free series or subscribe to LSTC’s learning communities here. Click here to register.

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