Contextual Education is crucial to learning, as outlined in the LSTC curriculum. The three main components of Contextual Education are:

  • Clinical Pastoral Education
  • Ministerial Leadership II/Ministry in Context
  • Internship

Students in the master of divinity and masters of arts in ministry degree programs will complete some or all of these components depending on the denomination to which they are affiliated. Specific requirements and expectations for Contextual Education should be planned in conversation with the candidate’s denominational or religious body. 

Contextual Education Director: Deacon Marji Shannon

For students who desire to be rostered leaders in the ELCA, participation in the ELCA Candidacy Process is also required. The LSTC Candidacy Coordinator will work with and guide students through the steps of Entrance, Endorsement, Approval, and on into First Call Assignment.

LSTC’s Candidacy Coordinator: Rev. Dr. Brooke Petersen

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