Black History Month Celebration
Register to join LSTC as we celebrate the achievements of Black Americans throughout history, we are mindful of the troubling waters ahead. For African American in these United States, in the words of the Black Poet Langston Hughes, “Life aint been no crystal stair.” However, we can find hope in the African American hymnal; “We’ve Come This Far by Faith,” where the lyrics jubilantly declare “Don’t Be Discouraged With Troubles In Your Life. He’ll Bear Your Burdens. And Move All Discord And Strife.” Hence, as we prepare for these troubling times, the theme for this year’s celebration reflects the hope in our history: “This Far by Faith: Assessing the Past as we Move to the Future.”
The Black History Month celebration will wrap up with multiple events including a Praise and Worship service led by Rev. Dr. Reginald Williams, Jr., prophetic preacher and pastor of First Baptist Church of University Park. The LSTC Antiracism team will provide an “Antiracism Litany of Reaffirmation and Recommitment” during the worship service. And the ecumenical choir, with students from the three seminaries, will provide songs of hope and praise.

Rev. Dr. Reginald Williams, Jr.
Rev. Dr. Reginald W. Williams Jr. is the Senior Pastor of the First Baptist Church of University Park, IL, where he has served since 2008. A proud HBCU graduate of Florida A & M University (cum laude), Dr. Williams earned his juris doctorate from the University of Wisconsin Law School and also attended the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University where he earned his Master of Divinity (2002), and Doctor of Ministry (2017). Upon the completion of his M. Div Rev. Williams, received his first call at Trinity United Church of Christ (TUCC) under the pastorate of Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., At TUCC, he was appointed Associate Pastor for Justice Ministries.
Dr. Williams has been awarded numerous honors and commendations for his commitment to progress and justice. He currently serves as adjunct professor at McCormick Theological Seminary, and Chicago Theological Seminary teaching in the areas of Social Justice Ministry in the local Church, and Prophetic Preaching. Dr. Williams is a sought-after speaker and lecturer, in addition to being a visionary, prophetic pastor who seeks to lead through a spiritually centered and culturally relevant praxis that brings liberation to all of God’s children.
For questions related to this event, please contact Marvis Hardy, Marvis.hardy@lstc.edu