Candace Kohli brings her Luther passion to LSTC Perhaps it’s fitting that in seminary Candace Kohli was so obsessed with Martin Luther that in the middle of the night she’d wake up thinking about Luther and his ideas. “I would lay in bed racking my brain trying to figure out how Luther was saying the […]
Candace Kohli on Luther, empathy & critical context Candace Kohli, assistant professor of Lutheran Systematic Theology and Global Lutheranism, can clearly pinpoint what made Luther stand out amongst other theologians during her time in seminary: “There was something about the way he described things, the interventions he was making, and the boldness with which he […]
An Overflow of Abundance: Barbara Rossing and Lauren Johnson If you talk to Barbara Rossing about her call to theological education, you’ll hear a word often repeated: abundance. Rossing grew up in Northfield, Minn., with a current population of nearly 21,000. It’s the home of Carleton College, where Rossing studied geology as an undergraduate. She […]
Mirrors and windows: Saints are for Lutherans, too She’s now sainted,” Kurt Hendel said with love and a tear in his eye, indicating that the woman in the picture had died. He was presenting a digital memory book of former classmates, spouses of classmates, and friends all united by an experience with the Seminex tradition. […]
A public pastor for a public church More than 50 years ago, in 1968 to be precise, Brian Eklund (MDiv 1970) was a spritely 20-something seminarian. Axel Kildegaard, professor of theology and director of contextual education at LSTC, approached him for a conversation that would change his life. Kildegaard had been ready to send Eklund […]