
Our new home

View of the chapel in our new campus

The Purpose of this Webpage

As we prepare for LSTC’s new home, we know our community will have questions. Whether you want to know why we’re moving or where we’re going, find answers here and stay informed of our progress.

We will update this webpage regularly, and we invite you to check back for further information whenever you have a question for us.

Headshot of James Nieman in Chapel

“This is a new beginning for LSTC. In these changing times, what makes our seminary special – our mission, vision, marks, and values – endures, and can even thrive, as we lead this century delivering world-class theological education. We anticipate a future with new possibilities – new investment in hospitality and community, new ways to work closely while extending our reach, new partnerships in our neighborhood and abroad, and a new sense of the right scale for effective theological education.”

– James Nieman, LSTC President

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have additional questions about LSTC’s sale-relocation journey, please send us an email for consideration in a future update.

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