Mercedes Laura García Bachmann
Professor of Old Testament
Ordained pastor of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church (Argentina-Uruguay), Dec. 28, 1986. Director, Instituto para la Pastoral Contextual (Institute for Pastoral Contextual Studies), Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Unida since December 2015.
- PhD in Bible (Old Testament), Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, 1999. Dissertation: ‘Little Women’- Social Location of Female Labor in the Deuteronomistic History.
- ThM, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, 1995.
Other Studies
- University of Wisconsin-Madison Distance Education program PCOE e-Portfolio finished Jan 12, 2018.
- Seminary on Skarabäen, Siegel und Amulette aus Palästina, course 910687, module 21, Summer semester 2010, University of Münster, taught by Dr. R. Wenning, http://www.uni
- Studies at the Swedish Theological Institute, Jerusalem, under Dr Göran Larsson, Feb.-May 1984.
- Studies corresponding to M.Div in the Usa, Instituto Superior Evangélico de Estudios Teológicos (ISEDET), 1994.
Foreign Languages
- English: TOEFL approved for doctoral studies.
- German: Certificate “Deutsch als Fremdsprache,” Goethe Institute, 1991, and intensive course, An der Universität, a.v., München, March 2010.
- Reading ability of Portuguese and French.
- Modern Hebrew: two quarters, Jerusalem, 1984.
- Ancient languages (translation):
- Biblical Hebrew.
- Biblical Aramaic.
- Ugaritic.
- Koine Greek.
Current Positions and Responsibilities
- Director, Instituto para la Pastoral Contextual, Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Unida (IELU), Argentina-Uruguay, since 2015.
- Distinguished Faculty, LSTC (Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago), since 2020.
Teaching Experience
- INSTITUTO PARA LA PASTORAL CONTEXTUAL, Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Unida (IELU), Argentina-Uruguay:
- Los Sentidos de la Biblia, with Lic. Carolina Artana, 2022-2023.
- “De madres y de hijas. Una de-construcción necesaria en la sociedad patriarcal,” with Dr. Marcela Bosch and coordination by Pastor Mariela Pereyra, 2nd semester 2019.
- Introducción al Pensamiento Bíblico (online and on-site modes), 2018-2020.
- Actualización en Biblia y Género for cathechists and Christian Ed teachers (hybrid mode), June-Dec. 2017, Misiones (Argentina).
- LUTHERAN SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY AT CHICAGO as Adjunct Instructor/faculty
- Israel’s Prophets (online), Spring semesters 2019, 2020.
- Pentateuch (online) with prof. Klaus-Peter Adam, Spring semester 2017.
- Judges and Women, Graduate seminar (OT): Spring semester, 2017 (on site).
- Feast and Famine: Biblical Imagery of Abundance and Scarcity, Spring semester, 2017 (on site).
- Biblia y temas de actualidad: violencia familiar, acoso sexual, June 26-30, 2006.
- Other Tasks at LSTC
- LST’s Latinx Advisory Committee, Fall term 2022.
- Introduction to the Old Testament (online), four semesters between 2017-2018.
- I.S.E.D.E.T. / INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO ISEDET as Guest (1999), Adjunct (1999-2000); Associate (2000-2003) and Tenured Professor (2004-2016). ISEDET closed down in 2016 and thus all faculty were laid down. Courses taught regularly in the undergraduate program:
- Hebrew, levels 1-3.
- Biblical contents.
- Introduction to the Bible.
- OT Exegesis (Wisdom, Pentateuch).
- OT themes (biblical theology, Sociopolitical reading of the Bible, etc.)
- Courses taught regularly in the graduate program (Master of Sacred Scriptures and PhD):
- Hebrew levels 1-2.
- Sociopolitical reading of the Bible.
- Gender reading of the Bible.
- Methodology.
- Other Tasks at Instituto Universitario ISEDET
- Co-coordinator, Foro de Teología y Género, 1999-2006, 2008-2009, 2011.
- Teacher at the intercultural program with Indigenous peoples, Acción Apostólica Común, Chaco-Formosa (Argentina), 1999-2015.
- Dean of students, 2004-2008.
- Dean of Graduate Studies, 2008-2015.
- INSTITUTE FOR ANCIENT NEAR EASTERN HISTORY, UNIVERSITY OF BUENOS AIRES as Guest Professor (1999-2004), Adjunct Professor (2004-2006).
- Introduction to the OT for non-theologians, 2000.
- Biblical Hebrew, levels 1-3, 1999-2003.
- “Bible and Transformation I”, Gender, Women and Leadership Course UTCWI & ELCA, Jamaica, April 29, 2021.2 Mercedes L. García Bachmann. Curriculum vitae
- “Migration and Trafficking,” intensive course as guest instructor with Dr. Mary (Joy) Philip. Martin Luther University, Ontario, Canada, Spring 2021.
- “Aproximación a la Sabiduría bíblica y sus desafíos,” Escuela Latinoamericana Claretiana, 2nd semester 2021.
- North-Western Wisconsin Synod of the ELCA Lay School, May 10-11, 2019.
- “Libro de los Jueces y violencia social,” continuing education program, Methodist Seminary, Mexico City, Jan. 9-13, 2012.
- “Pentateuco y Género,” Master program, Comunidad Teológica, Méjico City, Jan. 16-20, 2012. ▪ “Die Königsbücher: Prophetie, Gender und Gesellschaft/ Books of Kings: Prophecy, Gender & Society” (with Marie-Theres Wacker), Katholische-Theologische Fakultät, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Gernany. Summersemester, April-June, 2010.
- “Salomo und Weisheit (1 Kön 1-12) / Solomon and Wisdom (1 Kgs 1-12),” Augustana Hochschule, Neuendettelsau, Germany, July 9-10, 2010.
- “Libros Poéticos y Sapienciales,” Seminario Evangélico de Teología, Matanzas, Cuba, Feb. 2-6, 2009. ▪ “Biblia y temas de actualidad: violencia familiar, acoso sexual,” Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, June 26-30, 2006.
- Hebrew I, 2nd semester 2000 and Hebreo II, 1st semester 2001, Universidad Nacional de Luján (Argentina), Extensión Universitaria.
Research Projects and Other Commitments
- PhD dissertation Committee member, Sue Helen Monteiro de Matos, “As sagradas de Asherah: narrativa e memória do sacerdócio feminino no templo de Jerusalém,” Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Religião, Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, Brazil, Sept 19, 2022 (and dissertation proposal by Sue Helen Monteiro de Matos, “As sagradas de Asherah: narrativa e memória do sacerdócio feminino no templo de Jerusalém,” Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Religião, Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, Brazil, Dec 7, 2020).
- PhD dissertation Committee member, Emanuel Pfoh, “Prácticas sociopolíticas en el Levante durante la época de El Amarna (Siglo XIV a.c.),” Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Bs. As. Dec. 20, 2011. ▪ PhD dissertation Committee member, Juan Manuel Tebes, “Tribus, Estados, cobre e incienso: El Negev y Edom durante la Edad del Hierro,” Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Bs. As. Feb. 19, 2010. ▪ Coordinator, Biblical section of research program “El Itinerario de las Mujeres en la Teología Latino-Americana. Balance Crítico y Nuevas Perspectivas,” Virginia R. Azcuy, director, 2003-2009.
National and Internacional Organizations
Related to the Lutheran Church/es
- Member of the Board of Trustees (Kuratorium) of the Lutheran Foundation for Interconfessional Research, Strasbourg, France, 1990-1997, 2013-2026,
- Jury of the Harding-Meyer-Prize on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Lutheran Foundation for Interconfessional Research, since 2019.
- Member of the steering committee for the course Certificado en Justicia Climática y Fe (Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary), since July 2022.
- Study group on “The Authority of the Bible in the Life of the Churches,” LWF (Dept. of Studies), 2004-2006. ▪ Delegate to the IXth Assembly, WCC, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Feb. 2006.
- Council member, LWF, 1990-1997.
- Commission on Studies, LWF, 1985-1990.
Biblical Research
- Lutheran Hermeneutics and Bible program, LWF, advisor (and co-drafter of final document), 2013-2016. ▪ Chicago Society of Biblical Research, 1998-2001.
- Society of Biblical Literature, since 1994.
- Asociación Bíblica Argentina (ABA), since 2015.
Intercultural and interreligious dialogues
- Encuentro interreligioso “Cuando las mujeres se ponen de acuerdo,” Casa Emaús, Medellín, agosto 16, 2022.
- Jewish-Christian dialogue, WCC, 2012-2018.
- Proyecto 2001, grupo ecuménico de teólogas para el diálogo, estudio y publicaciones,” 2000-2003.
- Grupo de diálogo interreligioso de mujeres judías, católico-romanas y luteranas, Florida, Bs. As., 2000-2001.
- Board of Programa de Diálogo Intercultural, Rectorado, UBA, 1999-2003.
Scholarships and Awards
- Honoris Causa Doctorate award, Facultades EST, San Leopoldo, Brazil, Aug. 26, 2021.
- Scholarship for a semester as visiting scholar by the ELCA-Global Mission office and LSTC, Spring semester, 2017.
- “2010 Distinguished Alumna Award,” conferred by LSTC, Feb. 9, 2010,, page 7.
- Scholarship for sabbatical from Mission EineWelt, 2010.
- Scholarship for sabbatical from the Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (EKD), 2010.
- Scholarship for German language studies from the Vereinigte Evangelische Lutherische Kirche in Deutschland (VELKD), Munich, March 2010.
- Scholarship for Graduate studies from the LWF and ELCA, 1994-1999.
- Scholarship for study at the Swedish Theological Institute, Jerusalem, Febr.-May 1984.
As author
- Judges, Wisdom Commentary, Collegeville, Liturgical Press, 2017,
- Women at Work in the Deuteronomistic History, Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, 2013, http://sbl
- With Virginia R. Azcuy and Nancy E. Bedford, Teología feminista a tres voces, Editorial Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago de Chile, 2016.
- With Bernd Oberdorfer et al., “In the Beginning was the Word.” The Bible in the Life of the Lutheran Communion. A Study Document on Lutheran Hermeneutics, Geneva: The Lutheran World Federation, 2016. ISBN: 978-2-940459-44-5, life-lutheran-communion-study-document-lutheran. (Spanish translation: “En el principio era el Verbo” (Jn 1:1): La Biblia en la Vida de la Comunión Luterana. Un Documento de Estudio sobre Hermenéutica Luterana). Ginebra: Federación Luterana Mundial, 2016. ISBN: 978-2-940459-46-9).
- Mercedes L. García Bachmann y Hernán Dalbes, eds. Iglesias en pandemia, templos en crisis. Hacia nuevas eclesiologías en el distanciamiento social, Miami, JUANUNO1 Ediciones, 2021. ISBN: 9781637530122. ▪ Marcia Blasi, Mercedes García Bachmann, Ángela Trejo Haager e Elaine Neuenfeldt, eds., Mulheres fazem Teologia: Rede de mulheres e justiça de gênero da América Latina e Caribe – FLM / Las mujeres hacen teología. Red de Mujeres y Justicia de Género de América Latina y Caribe – FLM. Rio de Janeiro, Metanoia, 2018. ISBN: 9788594750464.
- Virginia R. Azcuy, Nancy E. Bedford, Mercedes L. García Bachmann, Teología feminista a tres voces, Santiago de Chile, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, 2016. ISBN: 9789563570793.
- Virginia R. Azcuy, Mercedes García Bachmann & Celina A. Lértora Mendoza, eds., Estudios de Autoras de América Latina, el Caribe y Estados Unidos. Colección Mujeres haciendo Teologías vol. 3. Bs. As., San Pablo, 2009. 528 pages. ISBN: 9870900597.
- Nancy Bedford, Mercedes García Bachmann & Marisa Strizzi, eds. Puntos de encuentro. Prod. del Foro sobre Teología y Género, Buenos Aires, ISEDET, 2005, ISBN 987-43-9867-1.
- Mercedes García Bachmann, Jerónimo Granados & René Krüger, eds. Búsquedas y señales. Estudios en Biblia, Teología, Historia y Ecumenismo, en homenaje a Ricardo Pietrantonio, Buenos Aires, LUMEN-ISEDET, 2003, ISBN 987-00-0408-3.
Bible translations
- Introduction & notes for the books of Isaiah & 1-2 Kings. In: Armando Levoratti, ed. La Biblia. Libro del Pueblo de Dios, Estella, Verbo Divino, 2015.
- Introduction & notes for Isha. La Mujer según la Biblia, Seoul, United Bible Societies, 2008.
- Videos and other electronic presentations:
- “Feminist reading of Scriptures,” Module 4 of the Online Theology Course in Lutheran theology, LWF,
- “Qué es lo particular luterano que nuestros/as legisladores/as deberían saber (a favor de la despenalización del aborto),” in: legisladores-as-deberian-saber-a-favor-de-la-despenalizacion-del-aborto/.