Sara Trumm

Headshot of Sara Trumm

Sara Trumm serves as the director at A Center of Christian-Muslim Engagement for Peace and Justice (CCME) at Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. Although she grew up in a seemingly mono-cultural Minnesota town, she is thankful to have had many educational and social experiences to guide and expand her worldview. She received a BA from Augsburg College, an MA from Luther Seminary, and served at the Henry Martyn Institute in Hyderabad, India. Her work at CCME began in 2008, and she is continuously amazed at how the interfaith community in Chicago enhances and challenges her faith, as well as creatively collaborating for peace and justice for all. Sara became a Community Ambassador through Interfaith Youth Core (now Interfaith America) and is a Qualified Administrator for the Intercultural Development Inventory.

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