Doctor of Ministry

LSTC’s interschool Doctor of Ministry (DMin) offers affordable access to diverse, world-class learning environments with a schedule suited for full-time professionals


Headshot of Craig Mueller

“Being a lifelong Lutheran and a graduate of a Lutheran college and seminary, I chose [this] program so that I could benefit from the ecumenical resources in Hyde Park, especially liturgy and spirituality courses at Catholic Theological Union. Though the program was demanding, I was grateful for all the connections I could make with my congregational context.”

– Craig Mueller, 2013 DMin graduate and 1988 MDiv graduate

The interschool Doctor of Ministry offers concentrations in cross-cultural ministries, liturgy, spirituality, educating for witness, and Hispanic theology and ministry. This flexible program offers students the ability to commute from anywhere in the Chicagoland area while working full-time or to live in Hyde Park as a full-time student. Catholic Theological Union and McCormick Theological Seminary collaborate with LSTC to offer this degree.


  • Core colloquies (2)
  • Electives in the concentration (4)
  • Electives outside the concentration (2)
  • DMin thesis project
  • Normally completed in 2 to 5 years


  • Significant ministerial experience after the conclusion of graduate theological study (usually a minimum of 3-5 years)
  • Master of Divinity Degree, usually with a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • English language proficiency for graduate level studies.


  • Accredited master’s degree (or its educational equivalent), usually with a minimum 3.0 GPA and in an area related to one’s ministry setting or vocational calling
  • Significant ministerial experience after graduate ministry-related study (usually a minimum of 3-5 years)
  • Ability to thoughtfully interpret scripture and the theological tradition of one’s ministry context
  • Capacity to understand and adapt one’s ministry to relevant cultural contexts
  • Ability to articulate and otherwise express a self-understanding of one’s ministerial identity and vocational calling
  • Readiness to engage in ongoing personal and spiritual formation for one’s ministry
  • Accredited master’s degree (or its educational equivalent), usually with a minimum 3.0 GPA and in an area related to one’s ministry setting or vocational calling
  • English language proficiency for graduate level studies

For additional information, or to apply now, please visit the CTU website.

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