Doctor of Philosophy

“I am grateful to LSTC because it gave me free space to think on my own and to verbalize my thinking. Free space to express myself… is very important. It made me at home here. LSTC gifted me with vocabulary to voice my ideas and helped me to think out my own existential dilemma, problems and theological insights.”
– Baiju Markose, North India, 2019 PhD graduate
For programs beginning in the Fall of 2024, LSTC Advanced Studies invites applications to its Master of Theology (ThM) program, as well as to the interschool Doctor of Ministry program (with the Catholic Theological Union and McCormick Theological Seminary). We are temporarily putting on hold the consideration of new applications to the PhD program, as we redesign the program to best respond to opportunities for mission in the years ahead (while serving and seeking the success of our present PhD students). We anticipate reopening applications to the (renewed) PhD program starting in the Fall of 2026.
Email or call 773-256-0694