Master of Theology
“At LSTC, I am learning new methodologies for studying the Bible that are not really introduced in Japan. When I complete my studies, I will go back and contribute to the church in Japan, hopefully as a professor of New Testament.”
– Mayuko Yasuda, LSTC PhD Candidate, New Testament
The master of theology (ThM) degree is a second master’s degree designed to equip students with fuller knowledge and insight concerning a focused area or discipline of theological study than that acquired at the MDiv or MA level. For students admitted into the PhD program at LSTC, the ThM constitutes the first stage of the doctoral program.
The ThM in Lutheran ministry studies is designed for students who desire to acquire the knowledge, insight, and skills needed for visionary leadership in Lutheran ministry for today’s world. This degree program provides an attractive option for LSTC affiliates who have completed their MDiv or equivalent at another institution and are spending their Lutheran year at LSTC.
LSTC is a member of the Association of Chicago Theological Schools consortium (ACTS), making hundreds of classes available to students at 11 denominational seminaries in the Chicago area, three within walking distance of LSTC.