Michael Shelley
Director emeritus, A Center of Christian-Muslim Engagement for Peace and Justice
- 1988 | University of Birmingham, England
Ph.D., Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations
Title of Dissertation: “The Life and Thought of W.H.T. Gairdner, 1873-1928: A Critical Evaluation of a Scholar-Missionary to Islam” - 1982-1984 | Full-time Arabic study, the American University in Cairo, Egypt
- 1980-1982 | Part-time Arabic study, the American University in Cairo, Egypt
- 1980 | Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Th.M., Mission and Ecumenism - 1978 | Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary (now Trinity Lutheran Seminary), Columbus, Ohio
M.Div. (with honors) - 1973 | University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio
B.A., Humanities and Social Relations (cum laude)
Professional Experience
- 2018-present | Director emeritus, A Center of Christian-Muslim Engagement for Peace and Justice, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
- Sept 2015-Jan 2016 | Acting Director, Advanced Studies Program, Lutheran School Theology at Chicago
- 2014-2018 | Part-time Pastor, St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Glenwood, Illinois
- 2010-Dec 31, 2013 | Associate Professor of Christian-Muslim Studies, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
- 2010-Dec 31, 2013 | Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
- 2009-2010 | Interim Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
- 2007-2018 | Director, A Center of Christian-Muslim Engagement for Peace and Justice, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
- 2007-2009 | Associate Director, Advanced Studies Program, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
- 2004-2010 | Visiting Professor of Christian-Muslim Relations, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
- 2004-2007 | Director, Doctor of Ministry Program, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
- 2003-2004 | Visiting Scholar, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
- 1979-2003 | Pastor and Educator, Division for Global Mission, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, serving in various positions/capacities:
- 1994-1998 | Senior Pastor, St. Andrew’s United Church of Cairo, Egypt
- 1988-1994 | Pastor, St. Andrew’s United Church of Cairo, Egypt
- 1979-1982 | Pastor, Heliopolis Community Church, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt
- 1998-2003 | Director of Graduate Studies and Professor of Church History, Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
- 1991-2003 | Lecturer in Islamic Studies and the History of Christian-Muslim Relations, Dar Comboni Arabic Study Centre, Cairo, Egypt
- 1994-2002 | Occasional Lecturer, Middle East Studies Program of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, Cairo, Egypt
- Fall Term, 1995 | Visiting Instructor of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota
- Fall Term, 1994 | Visiting Instructor of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota
- Winter Term, 1988 | Instructor of Arabic and the History of Christian-Muslim Relations, Centre for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham, England
- 1976-1977 | Intern Pastor, St. Andrew’s United Church of Cairo and the Maadi Community Church, Cairo, Egypt
I have supervised seven ELCA seminary interns, six while serving as the pastor of St. Andrew’s United Church of Cairo, one while serving as the pastor of St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Glenwood, Illinois
Past Membership in Professional Societies
- Chief Academic Officers Society of the Association of Theological Schools
The American Academy of Religion
Editorial Work
- Associate Editor, The Emergence of the Modern Coptic Papacy, edited by Stephen J. Davis and Gawdat Gabra. Cairo/New York: American University in Cairo Press, 2011. Volume 3 of a three-volume set on the popes of Egypt.
Articles, Entries, Essays, Book Reviews
- “Edward Lane, An account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyptians.” In Christian-Muslim Relations. Primary Sources. Vol. 3 (1700-1914), edited by Clinton Bennett, 35-38. London/New York/Oxford/New Delhi/ Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023.
- “Lord Cromer, Modern Egypt.” In Christian-Muslim Relations. Primary Sources. Vol. 3, 55-57.
- “Temple Gairdner, The vital forces of Christianity and Islam.” In Christian-Muslim Relations. Primary Sources. Vol. 3, 60-63.
- “Thomas Carlyle, On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history.” In Christian-Muslim Relations. Primary Sources. Vol. 3, 211-213.
- “Temple Gairdner.” In Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History, edited by David Thomas and John Chesworth. Vol. 18 (1800-1914), 702-733. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2021.
- “Cairo Study Centre.” In Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. Vol. 18, 760-767.
- With John Chesworth, “Nile Mission Press.” In Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. Vol. 18, 795-800.
- “Thomas Carlyle.” In Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History, edited by David Thomas and John Chesworth. Vol. 17 (1800-1914), 165-175. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2021.
- “Edward Lane.” In Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. Vol. 17, 180-199.
- “F.D. Maurice.” In Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. Vol. 17, 209-219.
- “F.A. Klein.” In Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. Vol. 17, 389-392.
- “Lord Cromer.” In Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. Vol. 17, 393-403.
- “D.S. Margoliouth.” In Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. Vol. 17, 445-458.
- “Egypt General Mission.” In Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. Vol. 17, 485-490.
- “Gulian Lansing.” In Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. Edited by David Thomas and John Chesworth. Vol. 16 (1800-1914), 202-212. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2020.
- Review of A Textual History of Christian-Muslim Relations: Seventh-Fifteenth Centuries, by Charles Tieszen. In Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 27 (2016): 538-540.
- “Scripture Matters: Authority, Content, Canon, and Translations of the Bible.” Cairo Journal of Theology 2 (2015): 7-19, https://journal.etsc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Cairo-Journal-of-Theology-2-2015-Shelley.pdf.
- “A Theologian of the Cross.” Currents in Theology and Mission 42 (January/February 2015) (an issue honoring Mark W. Thomsen): 16-22.
- Review of Christian Lives Given to the Study of Islam, edited by Christian W. Troll and C.T.R. Hewer. In Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 25 (2014): 530-532.
- “Caring for God’s Beautiful Creation: A Salute to David Rhoads.” Currents in Theology and Mission 37 (April 2010) (an issue honoring David Rhoads): 84-85
- Review of American Evangelicals in Egypt: Missionary Encounters in an Age of Empire, by Heather J. Sharkey. In Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 20 (2009): 495-497.
- Review of The Gift of Responsibility: The Promise of Dialogue among Christians, Jews, and Muslims, by Lewis S. Mudge. In Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 63 (October 2009): 438.
- Review of Conflict and Cooperation: Christian-Muslim Relations in Contemporary Egypt, by Peter E. Makari. In Trinity Seminary Review 30 (Winter/Spring 2009): 63-64.
- Review of A Muslim View of Christianity: Essays on Dialogue by Mahmoud Ayoub, edited by Irfan A. Omar. In Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 62 (April 2008): 203.
- Review of Muslims and the Gospel: Bridging the Gap, by Roland E. Miller. In Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 61 (January 2007): 76-78.
- “Created by God, Blessed with a Sacred Trust: Some Biblical and Qur’anic Perspectives on Humanity.” Currents in Theology and Mission 33 (June 2006) (an issue honoring Harold Vogelaar): 239-245.
- Review of Islam: What Non-Muslims Should Know, by John Kaltner. In Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 58 (April 2004): 222.
- “Al-Ghazali’s Benign Influence on Temple Gairdner.” In A Faithful Presence: essays for Kenneth Cragg, edited by David Thomas and Claire Amos. London: Melisende, 2003, 201-218.
- “Temple Gairdner of Cairo Revisited.” Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 10 (1999): 261-278.
- Review of Reason and Tradition in Islamic Ethics, by George F. Hourani. In Newsletter of the Centre for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations (November 1989): 30-31.
- Review of Social and Historical Change: An Islamic Perspective, by Ayatollah Murtaza Mutahhari. In Newsletter of the Centre for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations (November 1989): 33-34.
- Review of Fundamentals of Islamic Thought: God, Man and the Universe, by Ayatollah Murtaza Mutahhari. In British Journal of Religious Education 9 (Spring 1987): 105-106.
- Review of A Glossary of Islamic Terms, by Syed Ali Ashraf. In British Journal of Religious Education 9 (Spring 1987): 107.
Articles/Essays in Church Publications
- With David Grafton, “American Muslims,” The Lutheran (January 2013): 20-21.
- “Journeys into Holy Lands.” Maadi Messenger 19 (28 May 1995).
- “Pilgrimage to Mecca.” Maadi Messenger 19 (14 May 1995).
- “A Death-to-Life Drama Relived.” Maadi Messenger 19 (16 April 1995).
- “Muslims at Prayer.” Maadi Messenger 19 (19 March 1995).
- “Fasting in the Coptic Orthodox Church.” Maadi Messenger 19 (5 March 1995).
- “The End and Meaning of the Ramadan Fast.” Maadi Messenger 19 (19 February 1995).
- “The Ramadan Fast.” Maadi Messenger 19 (5 February 1995).
- “The Birth of a Vision” (English and Arabic). Orient and Occident (January-March 1994): 29-32.
Subject Matter Taught in Courses
I have taught a variety of courses at various degree levels in England, Egypt, and the United States in the areas of the Arabic language, Islam, the history of Christian-Muslim relations, Muslims in America, Christian mission, and the history of Christianity in the Middle East.
Special Lectures, Addresses, Workshops, Orientation and Cross-Cultural Programs
I have done a variety of adult studies, special lectures, addresses, workshops, and participated in orientation and cross-cultural programs.
Theses and Special Exams
I have supervised numerous M.A. and D.Min. theses and served on the examining committees for numerous M.A. theses and Ph.D. qualifying exams, field exams and dissertation defenses.
Selection of Boards on Which I Have Served
- 2004-2008 | Covenant Cluster Board (representatives of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Trinity Lutheran Seminary, and Wartburg Theological Seminary)
- 2000-2005 | Editorial Board and Board of Advisors, Arab-West Report (AWR)
- 1999-2003 | Board of Directors (ex officio member), Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
- 1990-2003 | Board of Directors, Anglo-American Hospital, Cairo, Egypt
- 1995-1998 | Joint Advisory Board of the Joint Relief Ministry of All Saints Episcopal Cathedral and St. Andrew’s United Church of Cairo, Cairo, Egypt (chairperson for two of those years)
- 1988-1994 | Management Board of the Joint Refugee Ministry of All Saints Episcopal Cathedral and St. Andrew’s United Church of Cairo, Cairo, Egypt (chairperson for four of those years)
Service to the Larger Church
I have preached and done adult forums in various churches. I consider the following among my more significant contributions in this area.
- 2019-present | I participate in the quarterly meetings of a Lutheran-Catholic clergy dialogue group
- 2011-2018 | Planning Committee of the Catholic Theological Union’s “In Good Faith” program
- 2005-2013 | LSTC faculty representative on the ELCA’s LaCrosse Area Synod Candidacy Committee
- 2008-2011 | I represented the ELCA on the Interfaith Relations Commission of the National Council of the Churches of Christ, U.S.A.
- July 3-8, 2011 | Chaplain of the Week, Lakeside, Ohio. I preached six times and led five two-hour study sessions on Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations
- Distinguished Alum in Christian Service (2013), Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, Ohio
Other Personal Information
Since August 25, 1973, I have been married to Joanne Dora Shelley, who is a trained musician and music teacher by profession. During our last twelve years in Cairo, she was the teacher of primary music at the British International School of Cairo, and for the last five years also the director of the music department. During our earlier years in Chicago, she was a music teacher at St. Thomas Catholic School and Ancona School, both in Hyde Park. During our last few years in Chicago, she worked at Little Inspirations, a day-care center in Hyde Park. We have two sons, Matthew and Timothy, both born in Cairo, Egypt. They are university graduates with engineering degrees, and are now married. We are the proud grandparents of three granddaughters and one grandson.
On September 23, 1979, I was ordained into the Christian ministry, and both Joanne and I were commissioned for missionary service to Egypt.
Joanne and I are currently members of Grace Lutheran Church, Castalia, Ohio
During retirement (since July 2018), I have enjoyed spending time with my family, reading, writing, gardening, woodworking, golfing, and exercising. I have also done some supply preaching and worship leadership in area churches.