Our Publications
Office of Marketing & Communications
Epistle Magazine
The LSTC Epistle magazine is published two times a year by the LSTC Marketing and Communications Department in November and March. Content and photography showcase the dynamic LSTC community, including student, alumni, donor, faculty and staff features.
Review current and past issues of the Epistle on the Epistle Magazine webpage. For access to or information about Epistle publications produced prior to 2018, contact marcomm@lstc.edu.
E.pistle Newsletter
LSTC’s monthly e-newsletter goes to approximately 5,000 alumni and friends. The deadline to contribute content is the 29th of the month; and the publication is sent the 1st or 2nd week of the month.
If you are a member of the LSTC community and would like to share your news or story, email us at marcomm@lstc.edu.
The Dean’s Report
The Dean’s Report is distributed every Monday via e-mail during the academic year to LSTC faculty, staff and students, and placed on MyLSTC.
Send the information to Cheryl Hoth at choth@lstc.edu. Cheryl will place the content in the weekly Dean’s Report for e-mail distribution to LSTC faculty and staff each Monday. The Dean’s Report will also be made available on MyLSTC.
Please note: The Dean’s Report is sent each Monday of the academic year, and not sent during the summer and during LSTC breaks. Submit your information to Cheryl by no later than the Friday before the next Monday’s distribution.
MyLSTC Chat Boards
MyLSTC Chat Boards are spaces where everyone can post announcements, including LSTC faculty, staff and students. These should be used to have non-urgent conversations.
LSTC faculty, staff and students are encouraged to reference these chat boards daily, and to keep MyLSTC open on their computers daily. When information is posted on a chat board, a notification is not sent to individuals who have opted into receiving LSTC notifications.
However, these spaces are perfect for organic conversation across the institution and in particular, the sharing of information, events, and resources not directly sponsored or supported by LSTC.