Affiliations & Partnerships
Association of Chicago Theological Schools (ACTS)
Chicago has more people studying theology than any other city except Rome, Italy. The 11 Chicago-area seminaries that make up the Association of Chicago Theological Schools (ACTS) make up the largest portion of those students. LSTC students may cross-register for any courses offered by ACTS members.
Hispanic Theological Initiative (HTI)
LSTC is a member seminary in the Hispanic Theological Initiative Consortium of 24 seminaries and universities across the United States. HTI regularly supports Hispanic PhD candidates at LSTC through scholarships and fellowships.
Hispanic Summer Program
LSTC is a partner seminary in the national Hispanic Summer Program, where Latinx seminary students regularly come together for an ecumenical educational experience that deals with the issues and experiences of Latinx churches and communities. The application for the annual Hispanic Summer Program after often due by February of each year.
Metropolitan Chicago Synod (MCS)
LSTC partners with MCS to co-host educational events throughout the year, and also coordinates with synod staff to ensure TEEM students receive support during their seminary journey.
National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity (NC-SARA)

LSTC participates in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. Our participation in NC-SARA makes it easier for LSTC to offer its distance learning programs nationally. NC-SARA agreements streamline regulations around distance education programs and make it simpler for states to acknowledge other states’ work and decisions about institutional authorization – and also include important consumer protections to support distance education students.
University of Chicago (U of C)
Our affiliation with U of C enriches the LSTC community through access to its libraries, facilities, and academic and cultural programs.
LSTC’s dual degree program with the University of Chicago’s School of Social Service Administration makes it possible for master of arts or master of divinity students to complete both the AM degree (equivalent of a master’s in social work) and their LSTC degree in one year less than it would take to earn them separately.
Urban Clinical Pastoral Education Consortium
The Urban Clinical Pastoral Education Consortium is a partnership of 13 urban sites and five theological schools committed to clinical pastoral education with a focus on urban/public ministry that includes the pastoral and prophetic dimensions of ministry.
Chicago ROAR
LSTC continues to learn from and work with Chicago Regional Organizing for Antiracism (CROAR) to support the Antiracism Transformation Team (ATT), which guides LSTC’s efforts to become an antiracist institution. Since the late 1990s, LSTC has regularly held antiracism training for faculty, staff and students, first with Crossroads and now with CROAR.
Claret Center
Claret Center is an organization based in Hyde Park, Chicago, whose focus is to provide resources for self-care, spiritual practices, spiritual direction and psychotherapy. Through LSTC’s Student Services, students have access to referral services for counseling, psychotherapy and spiritual direction at the Claret Center. A sliding scale may be available for LSTC students.
Forum for Theological Exploration (FTE)
FTE offers diverse young adults, students and partner organizations financial support and opportunities to develop leadership in the face of complex shifts in the church, economy and theological education. FTE provides grants and scholarships to doctoral students of color, and also provides opportunities for student networking, mentoring and training.