

The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools and the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). More information about accreditation here.


LSTC posts policies and procedures related to consumer and safety information in compliance with federal regulations. These policies and procedures are described:


The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act, signed March 27th, 2020), Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA, signed  December 27th, 2020)  and American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (signed March 11, 2021) provided monetary assistance to those who are experiencing economic hardship as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic.   Over $76 billion of funding from these laws has been provided to the Office of Postsecondary Education as the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (commonly referred to as HEERF I, HEERF II and HEERF III, respectively).

During 2020 and 2021, LSTC completed applications and received grants for the programs made eligible to our institution.  During July 2022, LSTC received notification of an additional grant under the Supplemental Support under American Rescue Plan which is intended to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students.

HEERF Student Aid Portion
Total allocated to LSTC: $57,168
Total disbursed to LSTC: $57,168
Total expended as of December 31, 2023: $57,168

1. The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago has signed and returned to the Department of Education the Certification and Agreement and the assurance that the institution has used, or intends to use, the applicable amount of funds received under section (a)(1) of the programs to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students.

2. The total amount of the funds available to the institution from the Department of Education pursuant to the institution’s Certification and Agreement for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students under HEERF I, II and III as of December 31, 2023 is indicated within this disclosure.

3. The total amount of the Emergency Financial Aid Grants distributed to students under the programs as of December 31, 2023 is indicated within this disclosure.

4. The estimated total number of students at the institution eligible to participate in the applicable programs and thus eligible to receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students: 116

5. The total number of students who have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant under the programs (including SAIHE below) as of December 31, 2023: 22

6. The institution has established a committee to facilitate the distribution of this emergency funding while adhering to the regulations established by the Department of Education.  This committee is in the process of awarding any unspent funds to provide maximum benefit to impacted students to spend on qualified expenses, as defined under the programs.  Grants are being distributed based on assessed need determined on a student by student basis.

7. Instructions, directions, or guidance provided by the institution to students concerning the Emergency Financial Aid Grants.
Students were informed and acknowledged that this is a grant program which does not require repayment and that such funds were solely for costs incurred for qualified expense categories related to the disruption resulting from coronavirus COVID-19.

Supplemental Aid for Institutions of Higher Education (SAIHE)
CRRSA, Section 314(a)(3)

Additional funding was made available to public and private nonprofit institutions of higher education that met specific priorities.  LSTC qualified under Priority 7 which provided funds with high percentages of graduate students.  An institution funded under this priority must use funds awarded for financial aid grants to graduate students with financial need associated with the coronavirus.

Total allocated to LSTC: $60,724
Total disbursed to LSTC: $60,724
Total expended as of December 31, 2023: $60,724

Supplemental Aid under American Rescue Plan (SSARP)
CRRSA, Section 314(a)(3)

Additional funding was made available to public and private nonprofit institutions of higher education that met specific priorities.  LSTC qualified under Priority 5 which provided funds with high percentages of graduate students.  An institution funded under this priority must use funds awarded for financial aid grants to graduate students with financial need associated with the coronavirus.

Total allocated to LSTC: $40,045
Total disbursed to LSTC: $0
Total expended as of December 31, 2023: $0

All institutions participating in the HEERF Institutional, FIPSE, SAIHE and SSARP programs are required to post Quarterly Budget and Expenditure reporting on a quarterly basis. Our reports are below:

LSTC HEERF – Quarterly Reporting 9.30.20
LSTC HEERF – Quarterly Reporting 12.31.20
LSTC HEERF – Quarterly Reporting 3.31.21
LSTC HEERF – Quarterly Reporting 6.30.21
LSTC HEERF – Quarterly Reporting 9.30.21
LSTC HEERF – Quarterly Reporting 12.31.21
LSTC HEERF – Quarterly Reporting 3.31.22
LSTC HEERF – Quarterly Reporting 6.30.22
LSTC HEERF – Quarterly Reporting 9.30.22
LSTC HEERF – Quarterly Reporting 12.31.22
LSTC HEERF – Quarterly Reporting 3.31.23
LSTC HEERF – Quarterly Reporting 6.30.23
LSTC HEERF – Quarterly Reporting 9.30.23
LSTC HEERF – Quarterly Reporting 12.31.23


LSTC is committed to providing a positive educational experience for our students. Enrolled and prospective students can file a complaint related to the accrediting standards, ecclesiastical commitments and/or applicable state or federal laws and regulations with the Dean of Student Services:

Dean of Academic Affairs
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
5416 S. Cornell Avenue, 4th Floor
Chicago, IL 60615

LSTC also operates in compliance with the Illinois Board of Higher Education. Register an institutional complaint with the Illinois Board of Higher Education here:

Once the complaint is filed, the Dean of Student Services will follow the grievance policy as outlined in the All Students Handbook. The complaint will be shared with the Director of Human Resources for submission to the appropriate agency (ATS, HLC, ELCA, state of IL or the federal government). Both the Dean of Student Services and the Director of Human Resources will maintain a record of the formal complaints. The Director of Human Resources will maintain the outcomes of any review completed by an outside agency.


To obtain a copy of the report on student diversity contact Dr. Linda Thomas at lthomas@lstc.edu.


For students who enrolled and graduated from the same degree program (transfers between degree programs not counted). Time intervals defined by the Association of Theological Schools.

Master of Divinity
Graduation rate within six years of enrollment: 83% (2024) ,90% (2023), 95% (2022), 71% (2021), 67% (2020), 73% (2019), 80% (2018), and 100% (2017)

Master of Arts in Ministry
Graduation rate within four years of enrollment: 100% (2024), 100% (2023), 67% (2022), 100% (2021), 100% (2020), 50% (2019), 50% (2018) and 43% (2017)*

*Includes affiliate or Lutheran Year students, some who choose not to receive a degree

Master of Arts (Theological Studies)
Graduation rate within four years of enrollment: 100% (2024), 100% (2023), 100% (2022), 50% (2021), 100% (2020), 33% (2019), 50% (2018) and 40% (2017)

Doctor of Ministry
Graduation rate within six years of enrollment: 100% (2024), 67% (2023), 100% (2022), 50% (2021), 0% (2020), Not reported (2019), 70% (2018) and 80% (2017)

Master of Theology

Graduation rate within two years of enrollment: 75% (2024), 0% (2023), N/A (2022), N/A (2021); N/A (2020), 75% (2019), 100% (2018) and 72% (2017)*

*Does not include students who completed ThM requirements in the process of obtaining a PhD

Doctor of Philosophy
Graduation rate within eight years of enrollment: 50% (2024), 75% (2023), 75% (2022), 64% (2021), 67% (2020), 50% (2019), 67% (2018) and 45% (2017)


For graduates serving in positions for which the degree program prepared them. Includes graduates placed prior to graduation or within 12-18 months of graduation.

Master of Divinity: 92% (2024), 82% (2023), 77% (2022), 80% (2021), 95% (2020), 87% (2019), 100% (2017) and 100% (2016)

Master of Arts in Ministry: 100% (2024), N/A (2023), 0% (2022), 100% (2021), 75% (2020), 33% (2019), 50% (2017) and 50% (2016)

Master of Arts (Theological Studies): 100% (2024), 50% (2023), N/A (2022), 50% (2021), 67% (2020), 38% (2019), 33% (2017) and 50% (2016)

Doctor of Ministry:  100% (2024), 100% (2023), 100% (2022)

Master of Theology: 100%) (2024), 0% (2023), N/A (2022), N/A (2021), N/A (2020), N/A (2019), N/A (2017) and 6% (2016); 100% pursued higher study in 2017, 2019, 2020, and 2021 and 88% pursued higher study in 2016.

Doctor of Philosophy: 100% (2024) 100% (2023), 100% (2022), 50% (2021), 100% (2020), 44% (2019), 83% (2017) and 67% (2016)


2023: 98%

2022: 93%

2021: 95%

2020: 93%

2019: 94%

2018: 90%

2017: 97%

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Your privacy is important to LSTC and we are committed to safeguarding the privacy of your personal data. Review our Privacy Statement, outlining the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information provided to the seminary by students, faculty and staff, alumni, and other members of our community.

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